Never ending series week 59, Life motions

59 life motions .jpg
Number 59 in the never ending series, where one picture, (the one below) turns into a totally new work of art every Sunday, Welcome to week 59 I call it "Life motions ".

Link to the image I used to start and continue the series indefinitely

This weeks edition was actually made last week during the creative process sometimes I take the piece into different directions and so while making Rosen bride (last weeks edition) that's what happened, just like crypto the piece forked into 2 different versions,

I sort of went for an abstract owl feel in life motions, not really sure why just sort of felt like it.

Last week's edition into the series

And the link to the Beginning of the series

Hope you having a great day and are enjoying your steemit journey,
I want to thank all my supporters for their upvotes, comments and resteems, Its truly appreciated!

Yours truly,Maxim aka bitcoinman

btc man.jpg


Kind of looks like what i see when i have one too many beers....

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