Color Challenge Sunday Violet

in #colorchallenge6 years ago

Color Challenge Sunday Violet

violet flower and bAHBAHRA.jpg

Sony A6500 50mm F8 1/400 ISO 160
Click here to view larger

Continuing on with my challenge to myself to get out and get new shots within a few blocks of my office building for each of the daily color challenges that are part of Color Challenge hosted by @kalemandra,

the Color for Sunday is Violet

Bahbahra was enjoying a day out when the temperature was quite nice and helped me to find some violet colored flowers.

Some have asked when I will get around to doing a post or story with Bahbahra, well I can say I am working on one, but at the same time I am working on learning some new things with post formatting and struggling a little.

But I will get there and a Bahbahra story is coming soon

violet parking.jpg

Sony A6500 23mm F8 1/60 ISO 125
Click here to view larger

This is a sign for the cost of Valet Parking at one of the hospitals in Manhattan, I have to say when ever i see parking costs in NYC it confirms to me I am glad I take the train in and out of the city, plus i would hate driving around Manhattan, plus having seen regular the traffic delays on the highway from the train window, I am more than happy with my commute on the train each day

violet flowers.jpg

Sony A6500 50mm F8 1/60 ISO 6400
Click here to view larger

And finishing off with this shot of so beautifully colored Hydrangeas.

It was a fun challenge I set myself for this week to go for a few walks near the office and get shots for each color for each day of the week for the color challenge.

and it lead me to an idea for a new challenge, but with luck I will have that ready to share for this coming Wednesday, so watch out for #wednesdaywalk

Stay Cool and Steem On

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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Violet is one my favorite colors :) So it's calming for me to see your very nice violet shots :)

Thanks kindly
It is a nice soothing color I agree

Peeps getting some really nice shots of purple/violet today at @thealliance.
Nice @tattoodjay

Thanks kindly

Have a great day

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Please check the new rules of the Daily Spotlights!

So nice to see Bahbahra out and about again! I was wondering where she had got to. Great photos too, of course, but she added a little something to your pansy shot!

Thanks kindly
More photos of her coming soon 😎👍😎

Some wonderful violet shots, Jay:) The teddy bear was a nice touch. Bahbahra is super cute and the hydrangea gorgeous:)

Thanks kindly
Bahbahra will be making more appearances soon 😎👍😎

Is the teddy's name bahbahra, nice, would love to hear the story, Lovely shot of the flowers, also I love that you enjoy the simplicity of life, sometimes when looking for comfort we forget the simple things and end up with a hassle.

Yes that’s her nMe she is a little fridge magnet

Love Hydrangeas - they are so pretty! I have heard that they change color depending on the quality of soil they are in. :)

I have see. That happen they Neighbour tried emptying their tea pot each day by them and they did change color

That is really interesting! I have heard even burying a penny in the dirt with it will help change the color. But that might be an old wives' tale. ;)

The copper in the penny could be what does it

I heard that also

@tattoodjay some nice shots...outside the office....bahbara is enjoying a lot in middle of the violet flower....and also parking rates are quite.shooting.its good to use public transport to save few bucks..👍.

Thanks kindly
Ohh yes those parking costs are crazy

Glad I enjoyed those nice days icy again this morning

Have a great day

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