Color Challenge - Thursday Green - The Amazing Kirkjfellsfoss, Iceland

Towards the end of our travels in Iceland we had the opportunity to visit the amazing Kirkjfellsfoss. This is one of the most amazing photographic locations in Iceland, if not the world. This amazing waterfall is shadowed by the impressive Kirkjfell mountain, standing at 463m high.

Unfortunately, the light didn't play ball - I was hoping for either a beautiful sunrise or sunset to really set this off, but it was overcast. However, I'm still happy with the moody nature of this shot. Hope you like it too.



Great shot. What setting did you use to catch the water but also the colours of the hill and the sky?

Theres a 3 stop nd filter to give the water motion effect. The sky was pretty neutral but i did also have a 2 stop nd grad filter on there to darken it up a little. Had to dodge the mountain back in near the top to increase the exposure a bit in that specific area.

Thanks for info - you're more technically skilled than I am - great work!


Lovely photography .You deserve for vote.Please check my blog.

this looks great. i am sure it would look even better if you could get what you were hoping for. a sunset or sunrise....
i do simple things photography like flowers. i posted some photos of very bright color flowers. it would mean a lot to me if you check them out.

Good morning beautiful I take it to my wall

The picture is still amazing even with the dark clouds in my opinion!
Maybe you can take one with sunrise or sunset next time!

Wow, that's an amazing location! Thumbs up for the long expo :)

Wooowww Excelente foto!!!

Eexcelente foto, dejo mi voto!!

Te invito a visitar mi Blog y dejar tu voto!

Saltos del Monday

Muchas Gracias!

I like how this photo turned out and I'm glad you are participating in @rycharde 's promotion! Me too.... for MAP6

Keep up the nice work, and good luck!!

Great shot :) I think landscapes are the hardest style of photography for me, that and street - You're an inspiration keep it up :)

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