Color Challenge - Yellow Wednesday - Blanket

in #colorchallenge6 years ago (edited)


The Deplorable Choir's "Mother Zucker" song is going viral, at least in my mind, and that is what I love about memes. This is a photo from an interview video between me as Red Dog in 2001 with Savannah Larson and I talked as if I was a big bad gangster, maybe like Mark Zuckerberg.

Color Challenge - Yellow Wednesday - Blanket -

2018-04-11 Wednesday 11:14 AM LMS 2001-08 APX - CC YW Wall -
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold -

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Mark censored Diamond & Silk, and Agenda of Evil.

This photo represents new beginnings at least to some extent and you can be honest during confrontations which Mark Zuckerberg is not doing and he is not under oath and he is the fall guy to some extent. Government and corporations and social media are trying to be our mommy and our daddy to tell us what is safe and unsafe. They get to define what is hate speech or spam or what is terrorism related and in what is not instead of we the people. On television, and even online, and all around, they are telling us during the Zuckerberg Facebook Trial that Facebook has to censor even more and have more artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm centralized control over we the people around the world in the same ways China and North Korea and the Nazis and Mao and Stalin and Lenin and others, do. We the people are awakening to take a stand for free speech and for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot | IPFS | Google Play | IOS

YOU ACCOUNT IS GONE!!!!!! Look at this FUCKER!!! @SteemFlagRewards tag misuse tag abuse plagiarism NO IMAGE SOURCE. I know this clown didn't take that photo

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@steemit-abuse categorized as plagiarism. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

You do not like color challenges? You do not like articles related to the Drudge Report? You probably hate Alex Jones and you probably hate free speech, right? I should go back to Facebook because Soros is the best? These are great questions.


@SteemFlagRewards I warned this account to stop the comment spam but they never stopped.

Please consider to UPVOTE this warning if you find my work to protect you & the platform valuable. Your support is welcome!

I don't think it is appropriate to speak that way while moderating. Please try to be unbiased and emotionally disconnected before commenting. Read my other comments for more detail.

Redact your comments please by editing your post and typing the word redacted, as posts with comments cannot be deleted currently.

Color challenges are spam now? Photography is spam? Talking about Facebook is spam?


@SteemFlagRewards I warned this account to stop the comment spam but they never stopped.

Please consider to UPVOTE this warning if you find my work to protect you & the platform valuable. Your support is welcome!

This post has been flagged for tag abuse. Please refrain from using inappropriate tags.

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@steemseph categorized as tag abuse. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

Am I a bad boy for being creative, for doing color challenges, for talking about the Drudge Report, for talking about my time in Vietnam and Hawaii and Canada and other places for my time working at camps and schools and for all the connections I make between different topics and everything else?

What you have done is considered tag abuse. As stated previously this is been flagged for tag abuse.
If you’re as creative as you claim to be, trust in the proper usage of tags. The creativity you claim will show in your content and not in the way you abuse, or stretch the rules.

@Steemseph, what did I do that was considered abuse? You are making a statement that is too general. I made a color challenge with many tags because that is what Steepshot allows and I talked about all the tags I included and that is why I had those tags. Those tags were connected and relevant. I wrote it and you probably didn't read it. But you are making a generality and you are probably not looking at what I really do and the thousands of videos I have been making since 1996.

I don't underestimate your abilities @joeyarnoldvn and I feel like you are stretching the rules. Your definition of what qualifies for tag usage is too general.

Can you take me to tag jail? What are the rules for tags? Who determines what tags are allowed and not allowed? Is it you or is it me or is it one person or another person or groups of people and which country or which religion or culture or politics is supposed to determine the tag rules? Are you against generalities?


@Ned & @Dan Did you want people like this using your service like this?

@SteemFlagRewards I warned this account to stop the comment spam but they never stopped.

Please consider to UPVOTE this warning if you find my work to protect you & the platform valuable. Your support is welcome!

You do not like Color Challenges? You are against the topics and the things I mention in the post of the color challenge? Are you against people from ghetto trailer parks who were taught at home like me?

What do you think about freedom and choices in life?

I this is the most valuable gift . :)

its e great post bro @joeyarnoldvn.. i like your all blogs. joey.. and always follow you.

Thanks. What is new with you? Bots are attacking me. Thanks for coming here. Good to see you again. My time is short on Steemit. I am losing points as I am flagged for being bad on Steemit. I am a bad boy. How are you?

I don't use Facebook that much. I am only there if there are any messages.

I am being attacked by spam bots right now for my fake news on Steemit just like liberals attack Trump and Russia for things that are not happening as well. Yeah, Facebook is going down.

Mother Zucker" song is going viral. i see this vedio.Facebook is popular social mediea. Mark Zuckerberg got right decision. it,s very sencitive.i call you #joey he he.

Good. Agreed. Thanks. Love the Mother Zucker song, agreed. And I'm being attacked by bots right now and will probably write a post about it soon. Thanks for coming by. How are you?

This poor guy was falsely triggering the spam-detection bots (and even got me convinced he was a malicious spammer for a while there)

obvious spam.png

It looks like spam but he's actually just an incredibly nice person (and very fast poster) with no malicious intent whatsoever, but sometimes it's hard to tell, especially on a platform where cryptocurrency is involved!

Because Original Oatmeal is FAKE right? Because HOPE OVER DOPE is dumb? Haha. @AnotherHero is attacking me and says I am not genuine because I am different and he refuses to believe that anybody could do something that is different without being fake. But whatever happen to letting each person decide whether they want to talk to me or not?

@joeyarnoldvn You are a gentleman and a huge benefit to steemit. I see now that you are performing a public service for everyone. It just took a while to understand because the technology is so complex.

But you have to understand, people are not supposed to post the same comment over and over. We all love you and want you to have a good time on this platform, but the reason people have been flagging your comments is because you are not supposed to copy and paste comments. We are trying to make rules that apply to the whole community. You personally have my vote as an honorary greeter, and I think you should be an exception to the rule because you're such a nice guy!

But please try to understand why everyone was flagging your comments. It wasn't to be mean to you, please know we are so glad you are here! After all, you are a part of the community. We all share this space and so we all have to decide together what is allowed and what isn't, and thousands of users have already decided that copying and pasting the same comment over and over on people's profiles is not supposed to be allowed. Maybe you can be an exception, but other people can not do that.

I understand you are trying to make friends, and we all want to be your friend too, but you do not seem to be trying to understand the rules, and so that is why your posts are flagged. Hopefully this helps!

@AnotherHero, I literally end up writing similar things, like Disney films as this is what I do, and I repeat words as it is applied to different people and as they are icebreakers and as many people repeat their own comments and posts and I do not always remember if I saw a person or not and I want everybody to know I care because I do and I am busy with other things and I make very simple statements and I wait for follow-ups to see if they are real people or not and I do not want to waste my time with fake people and must give them smaller comments to let them react perhaps if they want to engage them and to get them to hop into a whole new world and the rules are simply supply and demand and that people decide what they want by upvoting and by downvoting and by commenting and resteeming mostly, and that is how it works or can work.

@AnotherHero, I wrote a post about you as you are saying that I cannot talk to people. Look at the welcome bots. Look at the other people who literally copy and paste the same messages to new people. But I am actually typing out words as I customize it from the top of my head and I repeat phrases like songs. You could say that love songs copy and paste from each other. That happens. There is nothing new under the sun. There are many variables to consider in all of this. I may make some videos about all of this. I have more to say as always as it is almost 2 AM now. You seem to be accusing me of things I do not exactly do and you seem to let about what other people do as it is not as simple as you put it as life is muddy water with exceptions and second opinions and variations of what happens and what people think and what they are doing.

You seem to believe in subjectivity that a group of people can determine social rules but an online social group is full of people of different cultures, religions, ideas, beliefs, politics, and they disagree about so many things including some of things that may or may not be directly or indirectly connected or associated with things you say I may or may no be doing and/or in what others may or may not be doing and so on and so forth.

I see now that you have a very thorough and intelligent process for making friends on steemit and it makes sense now why you posted so many of the same comments. It's really tough because on the internet, you just can't know who the other person is. Sometimes they are a good guy, sometimes they are a bad guy, and when you're trying to set guidelines for the entire group to follow, sometimes they don't apply to certain people such as yourself. Our automated systems think that you are spamming when in all reality you are just the most friendly person I have ever met haha. Like, so friendly that no one else could ever keep up. You are so fast and so the system thinks you are being malicious.

I know you're not malicious, it just took some reading further. So when we are trying to design intelligent automated systems that can detect spam, sometimes innocent and amazing people such as yourself are going to get mis-labled as spammers.

I mean, it's really hard. Maybe you can help us to come up with a method of analyzing comments to determine who is malicious and who is just super friendly, because honestly, I don't know how to do it myself.

Thanks for featuring me in one of your posts, I am honored. I read it and responded to it as well.

I am also a music producer myself, maybe one day we can make a song together :-)

Also that topic of subjectivity vs objectivity haha that is DEEP! You pretty much hit the nail on the head, it is extremely complex and it really just means we all have to get to know one another before jumping to conclusions. That is what I learned, anyways. So thanks for helping teach me that, brother.

I am going to do my best attempt at removing all of my spam-detection comments from your messages. It will take some time so please bare with me. I also reached out to @steem-abuse @steemflagrewards and others and requested that they try to implement some sort of workaround for you so your posts aren't always flagged.

Just do us a favor if you can and try to make your comments slightly more variable from one another with a few more words. That should trick the spam-detection systems in the meantime while we try to come up with a better system.

I'm against trying to flag spam, etc. You can try to stop spam and everything. People will always try at times to develop systems, bots, that can do what people do, to filter, to flag. Some say it might not be censorship but what would you call it? It might be a rating system when you downvote, when you flag, as that lowers the score, the reputation, the rating of a person, an account, a comment, a post.

How is censorship and ratings different? Some may argue that downvoting a comment at least appears different than actually removing a comment and therefore not censorship. But what does censoring mean? Flagging a comment can change the appearance of that comment, the reputation, the credibility. But in a free market system, if Steemit is that or can be that, then each person has the ability maybe to decide to rate comments, to upvote, to downvote. And beyond that, we also make bots to do all of that for us to downvote, to upvote, to comment, to share, and everything.

Good luck with making systems, bots, etc, and they may or may not work at times. Should people be allowed to spam? Good question. Should people be allowed to flag? Great questions. In a free market system, it is a dog eat dog world out there. It reminds me of 21, a basketball game where each person is on their own team, a team of one. Like one versus one versus one versus one versus one for each person playing half-court basketball. Steemit might be like that but some players in basketball and some whales on Steemit might be ten feet tall. I might not be a whale on Steemit. I might not be a big person. I might be a very small Asian Glenn from The Walking Dead. I might be a fast person on the basketball court and I might need to be to get by the big giant whales on the court and on Steemit.

Giant Whales VS. Small People?

Should giant whales be allowed to upvote and downvote so much on Steemit? Like so much weight, voting power? Some say no. But I think it is ok because maybe someday I will be a whale on Steemit. So, I can't be against what I want. And can people and bots run around to comment and vote and flag and share too much or too fast and everything like me? Another good question. I say no. But in a free market system, each one of us can decide if we like the giants and the fast people. If somebody does not like JOEY OATMEAL for example, then they can make bots that attack only me.

What if I Stole Your GF haha?

If a man hates me because I stole his GF, then he can make a bot that downvotes everything I post on Steemit for example. I am fine with that.

I am fine with that. And I can also write about it as well and make videos about it as a response back to the attack maybe. That is the free market. And the people decide. We the people decide. The bots can let people know things maybe the opinions of somebody who hates me for example. But the people can still choose to agree to disagree either with me or with the bot. Life is great and scary. Thanks. Oatmeal.

2013 Cafe Girl 01.jpg

Thanks. Good to see you. What is new? Love the red clothes. Love freedom of speech. Love capitalism. Always good to see you. Love wandering. Forever and ever.

Saaludos amigo, here is my vote in support of your great work

Hola, thanks, you are great, what is new, Peter, and thanks, you have good work too, and bots are beating me up today for some reason and I am dying. How are you?

Well said. The social responsibility is very important but it must be regulated by common sense and ethics and not by government. Some government can declare people extremist just because they think different.

Agreed, yes, maybe, it is good to have regulated, maybe, unless if the regulators become abusers, and that is talked about in the book 1984 by George Orwell and bots are attacking me today.

@steemit-abuse @steemflagrewards @abusereports @steemseph this post is not spam and this user is a rare exception to our rule. Please try to give more leeway and do not flag his posts. Read my other comments for details as to why.

Reminds me of Arnold in Kindergarten Cop, it is not a Tumor, haha.

SEEMS LIKE YOUR IQ IS AT PRESCHOOL I don't like OATMEAL cause it taste like SPAM!!!

@SteemFlagRewards This account has been warned for comment spam.

Flagging that account will help remove it's spam. Please consider to UPVOTE THIS WARNING if you find my work to protect you & the platform valuable.

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