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RE: ColorChallenge: SundayPurple - "Loved" [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

(Applause... "Bravo, my friend... more applause!)

What a beautful little arcing tale. one that has the potential to be expanded in so many unique and interesting ways! You've build a world that begs it's own questions. How did things end up like this? Why has everyone got those weird names? Has this bleak judgemental system had other such societal ramifications? It's all so intriguing and you created it all! Fantastic!

Excellent story using the premise of the "Color Challenge" to be your backdrop. Incredibly entertaining and more proof (if it was ever needed) that you are a master of words as well as storytelling.

Very well done, my bro. :)


Thank you, my bro! You are too kind! :D I want to say I could've done better, but that would take away from the challenge itself, which I certainly don't want. I'm just happy that I met the great Ezzy's standards!

I left the windows and doors wide open in case I wanted to revisit the world. It's funny, but I was thinking of this as sort of a trailer for this universe, but I don't want to diminish the whole series' value by saying that. In my mind, I wanted to create something that could easily be our future if we don't take the right measures now. A dystopic near-future, if you will. You pose a lot of great questions there, and I'm thinking if I should write a follow-up to answer all of those or just leave it a mystery. One thing's for sure, it wouldn't be a color challenge and/or a freewrite haha!

I am humbled, my brother. Coming from someone whose skill I admire greatly, the praise is accepted with open arms. Appreciate you taking the time to read through the whole thing, bro! :D

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