The purple suit of selena quintanilla

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

México D. F. In 1995, just one month after her tragic death, Selena Quintanilla entered more splendidly than ever to give her last concert in front of thousands of people.

She wore a brilliant purple suit that would go down in history, but this would not be the only purple design that would mark her passage through this world and beyond, as the queen of Tex Mex, Selena, was buried with another of her creations of her favorite color.

That last concert, Selena wore a dress of her own creation, because everyone knew that beyond music, her greatest passion was fashion. The dressing room with flared trousers and neckline in the abdomen and back, was covered by a bolerito of the same fabric that he used on arrival and a few minutes at the beginning of his presentation.

It is worth mentioning that its curves of Latin origin, looked better than ever in it, and this is one of the reasons why this wardrobe, is part of the collection of the Selena Museum, founded in Corpus Christi, the city where Yolanda Saldivar murdered her.

It is hard to imagine Selena without this wardrobe that has even been immortalized in collectible dolls, which the public can purchase through the Internet.

However, it seems that purple was especially important in her last months of life, because Selena would wear a dress of this color to the awards ceremony for Texas music where she was recognized, so her father decided that this same dress, accompanied her in the tomb.


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