
You are the only whale in this convo!!!!!!!!

Man, I hope we get to meet IRL one day.

That one piece of art you showed on here months and months, you know the one I went on about for posts and posts for like.... months...... the one I said I felt something shift inside me.

Still has stuck with me.

All those times I tagged you and said I missed you --- I thought of that thing too.

Like I said, when it impacts a non artsy person, you have really hit a mark.

Then there is all the in depth crypto knowledge you have dropped so often on my chats with you.....

I really was going to do a post about you, show your work, some of our chats and your quotes and send out a We Miss You AA post.

Saves me that work now LOL

I feel the connection Barry : )
Perhaps I take a trip to Canada one day, always wanted to got their.
A long long ways back in my 20s I was looking to emigrate to Canada.
I had an uncle who worked in security at Toronto Airport and he was offering me to get a job their. It was not easy to get accepted in Canada in those days but if you had blood relatives who could "sponsor" you then you had a much better chance. And a job to go to of course.
I was 21 at the time. Back then I was just a poor struggling artist sharing a run down apartment with rats. It was owned by a local gangster and I was desperate to get out. When my uncle offered me to go to Toronto with him I was very tempted. In the end the drive to become an artist was greater and I turned him down. I just couldnt see myself working in security. I want people to be free lol
I told him I that would more likely try to draw the faces of travelling tourists than to check their faces on passports. Needles to say he was somewhat disappointed with me and he never spoke to me again.
So you see Barry, if I had taken that path all those years ago we could very well have been citizens of the same country.
The only thing is however, f I had been working in Toronto Airport and I just happened to be the guy checking your passport, I definitely would have arrested you lol : )

You would have gotten the

Am I being detained speech...


.... and then we would have gone for pizza.

ha ha ha , you can be sire I would have created my own "you are detained" speech. I would have made it into an art form lol
Pizza would have been nice though : )

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