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RE: Color Challenge - Yellow Wednesday - Blanket

A.I. is the future whether we want to believe it or not. Whether or not we are the ones developing the systems, the systems will be developed, and quantum computing is right around the corner. I am not the only one who feels this way: Elon Musk himself speaks extensively on how Artificial Intelligence and bots are changing how we must think about all technological interactions in society.

You are an exception to the spam rule as I have said before, but there are few exceptions. This is a platform founded on a cryptocurrency. That means there is a LOT at stake. Spam bots which spam phishing links or promote third party products are dangerous to the steemit platform for obvious reasons. And Bots designed to appear like legitimate users that exploit the ability to post every 20 seconds and succeed in gathering a following and gaining influence through upvotes put the entire platform at risk because they artificially steal credits from the resource pool.

Creating more bots isn't the answer, closing loopholes and exploitable variables in the system, is.

No legitimate user deserves to be attacked on the platform. Eventually we will probably want a "constitution" of sorts, set as the foundation of our entire platform which lays out common sense ground rules and rewards users for flagging content that violates it. Steemit certainly is not perfect, but it can be if we all work on it.

I wouldn't get too caught up on the free market idea. The free market is an illusion. Any system which allows one person to gain more influence than another person will eventually be exploited by those with malicious intentions and used to push their personal ideologies on the masses. Luckily, with the steemit platform we have methods of fighting back against that (unlike in the real world.)


I want free market. Yeah, we may not have free markets in most countries, most of the time, to some extents. I like competition. I like letting people vote on how they want things to work. It can become tricky with the bots. I do not really care what people do exactly. I want people to exercise their choices. That is what life is all about. I love capitalism which means some will have more influence over others. That is always the case. That inspires the best, not the worse, in people.

Capitalism and communism have never really existed in their true form. What I meant about the free market is that a Free Market can't exist unless people hold evil men accountable for their deeds, because in a free market evil men take over then have disproportionate power and then by definition it is no longer a free market because these men are controlling everything.

Who is evil and who is not evil? Who decides the line between evil and not evil? Do the general public decide together like you say? What if the general public is evil? If the majority of people were evil, would they put themselves in jail and admit to their own evil or are they likely to call their opposition evil? How would we go about determining who is evil or not evil?

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