Acrylic Painting - Collaborative Art Journey [30]

Dear friends,

here is my entry for the 30th Collaborative Art Journey by @everlove. If you've never heard about this challenge, here is a short explanation:

@everlove provides us an image and invites all the Steemit-artist to be creative and ...

TRANSFORM IT as many times as you wish! - Print the image or do whatever it is you do to add to/or alter it, (i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing, adding other photographs, collaging, altering it digitally or however you wish . . .or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story, a gif, a video, a book, or other imaginative play.


My Vision

Here is my approach to transform the source image into an acrylic painting:

Acrylic on canvas (50 x 40 cm / 20 x 16 inch)

This has been the original image provided by @everlove:

As you can see, I was not so exact with the geometrics. It was a bit challenging for me to actually paint using a reference, because I've rarely done that before.

Here is a bit of a making-of

I printed the original image, turned it by 90 degree and hung it on the wall in my studio.


After roughly trying to copy the original, I realized that I would rather use it as an inspiration...


Here is another process image, where you can see, that I began to freestyle a bit more.


Finally I decided to do my famous "outline trick".


Here is a mockup image to give you an idea, how the painting would look in a cool room.


And here is a side-by-side comparison between the original image and my painting:



Feel free to participate in the challenge.
Deadline is Wednesday, January 10.

Thanks for watching!

@shortcut - art, creativity and more



lovely interpretation shortcut! I love this collaborative art concept, its such a nice idea. Might have to dip in some day! :)

Thanks Basil, those collabs are really something, that makes Steemit unique. And @everlove's was one of the first ones around. She's always very supportive, so in short: I'd love to see you joining in!

oh I will Im sure, Ive just got to get through this songwriters challenge first....its using up the majority of my preciously allocated steemit time! But I WILL BE THERE someday

Great :-) Good luck with the songwriter's challenge!

Awe...shortcut!!!! That is a really stunning piece up against that white wall. I love how you shared your process, and the final version beside the original. It's fun to see the contrast and the awesome transformation you have made. I'm so glad you're a part of this journey. It's really great to have you here.

Thanks so much for your appreciation! I‘m glad to be part of that collaborative journey and didn‘t want to miss out celebrating the 30th jubilee ;-)

Oh yeah---we're doing it for sure, and I'm so grateful we're doing it together, @shortcut!

Heya, sorry, dass ich deinen Beitrag dafür missbrauche, aber du hast gewonnen :D Das Blu-ray Paket ist deins. Klick mal hier. Gruß, Obvious

Danke für den Hinweis! Ich freue mich :-)

First, that is a cool challenge, I will for sure check it out. Secondly, @shortcut, I love your painting! It makes me feel both vulnerable/intimidated and motivated at the same time. The outlines really complete it, I think, and may also be where I'm getting the feeling of empowerment. I would hang that in my house, you sell your art I'm assuming?

Yes, sure! I sell my art :-) I‘m glad, that I can inspire you to participate in the challenge! Thanks fir your detailed comment.

wow, das ist Wahnsinn. Ich sehe jedes mal etwas neues wenn ich die Bilder hoch und runter gehe. Auf den ersten blick für mich teilweise Bienenwaben und dann aber auch eine Art Kirchenfenster Style. Bin gespannt was die anderen sehen, toll gemacht

Vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Finde ich cool, dass du in dem Bild so viele verschiedene Dinge sehen kannst ;-)

Cool! Me and my kid are going to 'collaborate' with AI, she already made the basis of the paintings, I will add more profound details ( mixed technique) and after that everything goes to the mercy of the deep dream and neural network.
Hopefully it will turn out as good as yours.

Very cool, looking forward to seeing your finished work!

Thanks! We could put up a few experimental AIs tomorrow, unless we end up all in the glue and need time to dry up. LOL

Haha lol :-) Glued in collaboration ;-) Feel free to comment with your post link, when finished.

Sehr sehr cool, das sieht wirklich klasse aus mein Lieber!

Danke sehr! Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt :-)

Wow, beautiful & impressive!!!!!!!

Thanks Alan! Glad you like it :-)

Awesome!!!!! I like your freestyle painting. I just practice oil painting. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for your feedback and good luck with the oil painting! Looking forward to seeing, how it turns out.

This is nice, it's even better after framing and really looked great on the light coloured wall.

Thank you! I totally agree, that it looks best being framed ;-)

You're welcome :)

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