
I agree. Collaborations give us so much opportunity to grow as artists --and the benefits to the community are beyond measure. Thank you for being a part of it with us @andrew0.

Our western culture taught us about competition but didn't want us to learn about collaboration and supporting each other. We need to move in this direction, not only in Arts but in every field.

It is the wave of the future, and truly the only sustainable reality that makes any sense at all. I live at the @gardenofeden, where community, cooperation and support are the standard. A life of thrival is possible if we tune into the beauty of coming together in love. Thanks for your in-tune comment @andrew0.

We need to be the future, now.
It's useless to fight the old paradigm, much better to feed the new one, right now!
Namaste _/_

Agreed. No amount of resistance will activate new possibilities like living it will. We exist at the @gardenofeden to set an example of the new paradigm, showing it is possible. We are not waiting for the government to change, for someone else to do something, or until others decide to take the leap. BEING THE CHANGE is where it's at. Grateful to share with you @andrew0!!!

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