Are You a Coffee Junkie? (Short Video)

in #coffee7 years ago

I am, but to be honest, I can easily survive the day without coffee as it doesn’t make me feel invigorated. However, I adore the scent of fresh ground coffee that fills my nostrils before each brew. It evokes images of nature and it exotic landscapes. I also absolutely love to drink it slowly, letting its flavors and acidity pleasure my taste buds. To me, drinking coffee is all about bringing myself moments of sensory happiness.

Watch me wake up and prepare my coffee this morning.

Recently, I have been playing more and more with video, which is the reason why I ditched my old Fuji X-T1 for a Lumix G80. Although the clip is super-short, it still took me a good 1.5 hours in Premiere to correct the colors, trim it, and sync the scenes according to the music tempo.

Anyways, why do you drink coffee?


Taste, smell & ritual.

Plus, coffee is enticing and an awesome antioxidant.

I drink bitter coffee (no sugar, no milk & no instant coffee). Hardcore!!!

I like coffee with pronounced acidity and the one that I have been buying lately (Kenya Gaturiri) has this awesome lemon-like acidity :)
If the coffee is crappy, I am willing to add milk; if there's no milk, I would even consider adding sugar to make it taste better :D

all about coffe. i love coffe, sir. nice vidio inspiration of me

I am happy that it has inspired you :) Thanks for your comment. editing. I really don't miss it but I'd like to create videos again. It's a love-hate thing.

And I also like coffee - good coffee - but can certainly live without it.

Given the computer is fast enough to play the clips smoothly in Premiere, I quite enjoy editing. Otherwise, it becomes a pain in the butt :) What type of videos have you made in the past?

Thanks for the upvote, man!

OMG PLEASE!! I understand your pain of correcting 0:16 video in 1,5hr then render it and then upload it...

Tbh I clicked everything with coffee on it cause well, I am a junkie myself.

Judging by your username, it's obvious that you are a coffee lover, lol :D
Not a pain exactly because I like editing :) Anyway, I hope that you liked the video and thanks for your comment!

I love your video ! that's for sure :D If you can please make some more of it!!! especially with coffee on it :)

One my first blog posts was actually another Coffee-video - you can find it by scrolling down a bit :) ☕

Nicely done video.
Coffee makes me happy and I often drink it after a meal.
It has a lot of antioxidants too that protects our body's cells.

Thanks @cryptopie! Yeah, coffee after eating is good the digestion :) Do you produce coffee in The Philippines?

We do produce coffee here but not in my province but we can buy coffee beans in the supermarket.

I researched the topic a bit and found out that you guys produce Kape Barako :) I am going to look for it next time I go shopping for coffee.

Yes @irreverent-dan the Kapeng Barako or Stud Coffee
It is mainly originates from Batangas province. Quite a delicious ground coffee.

Nice video - it set off a little caffeine craving in me :) It's 8.26am, no coffee at home :( Thanks for the motivation to get out of the house and grab a cup or two, and maybe take some pics ;)

Thanks, Scotty! It's good knowing that it has motivated you to get out of the house :D Did you manage to take pictures?

Haha - Well, I got out of the house, bought a coffee....then bumped into a friend who was coming home from the night before. No pics coz I had to sit and listen to his still drunk sob story of losing his phone for the millionth time :/ ugh

Im cutting short on my coffee intake these days, which is usually 6-7 cups, because I am having palpitations. I cannot drink green tea as in so Im putting almond milk to taste. :)

I drink max 3 cups, of which one is decaf because ... I too get palpitations.

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