To coffee or not to coffee...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #coffee6 years ago (edited)

After tossing and turning most of the night then finally giving up on sleep all together around 3:30 am due to an enormous amount of energy racing through my body that had me feeling jittery, slightly nauseated and oh so confused because as any parent knows sleep is life, it hit me like a sack of bricks. Or better yet like a double espresso on an empty tummy.


Yesterday Keni and I popped up out of bed like two toaster strudels and immediately got ready for our day as we had many things we wanted to get done. Ok well Keni popped up out of bed and I did my version which involved more rolling back and forth and grumbling... cause... well... not a morning person... but ultimately I got up and got ready as soon as I hatched from my slumbery foggy shell. As soon as all three of us were dressed and ready we headed out the door and onto our first stop but upon arrival found that they didn't open for another 30 mins! What to do what to do? So we did what most people do in the morning... we sat down and ordered 2 coffees and water. Actually we ordered 2 double espressos and the water of course for sweet little Kai. I figure if I'm not ready for a caffeinated Kai then the rest of the world probably isn't either. Lol.


"Sleep is for the weak mom!"

I didn't think much of it to be honest. While I don't drink coffee often I do on rare occasion and used to drink it by the gallon when I was younger so I just looked at it as a nice tasty energizing treat. I sat there sipping at it and savoring every last drop. I remember commenting to Keni at how lovely it was and how my favorite part of the morning used to be my hot giant cup of coffee in the fresh cool morning air and how it was nice sitting in the ac as it simulated the coolness that I was used to growing up. Aaaah! I was in my own little blissed out heaven. My two favorite boys with me happy and smiling and my coffee.

Then it happened! I had completely forgot the affects too much caffeine had on me till it was all too late. My hands became jittery and it was challenging to hold still and my tummy became upset. Oh no! What had I done!? I started to feel very nauseated but figured I would just drink water and walk it off. Hahaha! This tends to be what I always tell myself because apparently water cures all. 😂


I ignored the yucky feeling most of the day and by bedtime I finally felt mostly normal so I curled up next to my sweet boys vowed to only use coffee during long travel days and drifted off to sleep. Not more than a couple hours had passed and there I was wide eyed staring at the ceiling. I drank some water, used the bathroom then got myself all comfy back in bed and after pretending to sleep for awhile eventually fell back asleep. This cycle continued a several times, each time getting back to sleep was progressively harder than the last till I finally gave up all together, grabbed my phone and started my day.


I will say that I have gotten a lot more accomplished during my overly stimulated run on day, however I don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon though I can totally see why it has such a strong hold on so many people including my younger self as it's now creeping past 8 and I'm starting to feel a bit low on energy and I have instantly been hit with a strong craving for nothing but... that's right! You guessed it! COFFEE! Lol. I'm not going to feed this beast of a craving but I am going to remember this experience and learn yet another lesson. Caffeine is addictive and bloody powerful! Use with caution!


SOOOO NICE to see you posting, Jamie!! :) And yes, people have different tolerances to coffee. I can manage 3 cups before I get to where you were, and totally enjoy them. One of the secrets is to eat something with it! Kai on caffeine?? haha... don't even go there!! I look fwd to sharing a SPIRULINA MANGO SHAKE with you later in the week. :)

Bahahaha! I know right! Kai is enough as is! Lol! It's nice to be back and hitting tgat post button! Thanx fir the support! Looking forward to our smoothy date!

yeah I like your blog! And you need to keep posting! Everyday! Don't stop! And post videos to @dlive they're practically giving out upvotes!
We want to see more selfies and more videos and stuff people normally haveto go to instagram for! We want it here!


Ej she is back in the game!!

Coffee is so super life to me, but really have to watch out with the amounts of it. 3 coffee over a day will make me feel like the Easter bunny on cocaine (which I dont consider a good thing hahahaha)

Easter bunny on cocaine! Bahahaha! No I wouldn't think that would be a good thing either! Thank dropping by to support me! 😘

Try to imagine a cat with caffeine. Not something anybody wants either. I (Ploi) personally hate the bitter taste of coffee. Maybe I'm too young to savour the taste like @artemislives always says? Does it have the same effect as sugar? XD

We always say kai is like a cat! Lol! So no I don't think either should have coffee! I think coffee is definitely an acquired taste but when you add all sorts of yummies to it the bitterness is taken away and all your left with is a sweet tasty SUPER energizing drink! Way more intense than sugar! Especially when you add sugar! Lol!

I guess I'll grow into it one day, @iamjamie, but not yet, not today.

Great to see you posting. I'm a big fan of the coffee - but only one or two each day and definitely organic.

Going Bulletproof with the coffee can take the edge off the caffeine and turn it into sustained energy. Defo worth a try.

Thanx for dropping by! What is going bulletproof?

Bulletproof coffee is adding grass fed butter and MCT oil or coconut oil, then blending it up.

It tastes great. There are many ways to do it as a vegan version - for example using coco butter or almond butter instead of the grass fed butter. Just search for vegan bulletproof coffee and try one you like the look of.

Incredibly HighFat + Caffeine is the recipe for disaster longterm. (speaking from an unlimited HighCarb/LowFat caffeine-free & disease-free perspective ;)

You look very healthy, so I'm certainly not going to argue with you. From my perspective, there are many different healthy ways of eating and different ways suit different body types. Perception, emotions and beliefs are also very important here, as peoples needs are different when they are in a high stress state than when they are in a relaxed and regenerating one.

All species have Species-specific-diets, as human beings (regardless of body-type or opinion) the reality is we've been fooled into buying things, promoting profit over our health .... meanwhile the truth; "Nature'sWay" stands the test of time.... :) Blessingz

Glad to see you back :)

Kai looks so content in the photos here. The top photo is absolutely heart-melting. Sorry to hear about your adverse reaction to the coffee. If you're not a regular user, it can certainly get things moving in unexpected ways. ;)

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant. I think that's why things like chocolate, tea, and coffee are often paired with milk products: because of the tryptophan in these extracts. If ever you find yourself trying to come down from a bad reaction to these, mother earth has provided Almonds for non-dairy users.

Almond milk or just a handful of Almonds can help offset a caffeine overdose— which is of course relative to your tolerance. Wellness is everything and it's not even worth it, unless you are absolutely bent on drinking coffee. I have also found decaffeinated black-tea Chai to have a just enough caffeine to jolt those hungover type of mornings, warm spices, and richness of coffee— without the actual coffee. Paired with Almond milk, it's a delicious coffee-like substitute. No, let me take that back— it's delicious enough to stand alone.

At least you accomplished what you planned for the day. So happy to see the royal family photos.

Wow! Thank you so much for your comment! I had no idea about almonds! Like I said in my post I always just turn to the water and wait method. Lol. And oh my goodness your tea sounds so yummy! Might have to add it to my life! Sending you all the love! You are appreciated more than I can express!

Awe thank you :) Yeah, the water method is never a bad thing. Although our bodies work like a scale. There is always something to actively offset or actively deplete the present imbalance.

Nature is pretty amazing. 😍

You're appreciated as well and love reciprocated.♥️

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