Traveling the World #64 (Asia Series) Ghibli Museum - Tokyo @ Japan 🇯🇵 - 向世界出發 #64 (亞洲系列) - 三鷹之森吉卜力美術館 @ 東京,日本 🇯🇵
Hi Steemians,
Today I’m going to take you to the Ghibli Museum in Japan. I’m sure many of you have seen a film made by Studio Ghibli like Totoro, Spirited Away, Ponyo etc. I was extremely excited when we decided we had time to visit the museum as I have seen alot their movies. The museum is located in Mitaka, Japan. We got off at Mitaka station and walked approx 15 minutes to the museum. There were plenty of clear signage for the museum or ask if you think you are lost as many people who visit this town is here for the studio. Special note is you can’t buy the tickets at the door - you need to get them Lawson convenient store in Japan or if you are overseas, you need to contact your local JTB group which we have one in Sydney. JTB couldn’t help me due to my last minute booking so I was able to get my tickets at Lawson when I got to the Japan.
今天我會帶你們到在日本東京的三鷹之森吉卜力美術館。如果你看過龍貓,千與千尋,悬崖上的金鱼公主等等,我相信你對吉卜力工作室的名字不會陌生的。當我知道我們可以到這個美術館參觀我非常期待因為我太喜歡他們做的漫畫電影。美術館是在日本的三鷹市。在三鷹火車站走路到美術館大概要15分鐘。原路其實有很多指示但如果你是迷路的話,你可以問問當地人因為差不多每個人來到這個區都是來看美術館的。有一點就是你不可以到現場買門票的。你要到日本當地的 Lawson 便利店買或者如果你在海外要聯絡 JTB 他們會幫你訂。我們澳洲都有JBT但因為我是臨時要訂所以他幫不到我。我後來是在日本的 Lawson 便利店自己買票的。
On the way to the studio
Unfortunately we are not allowed to take any photos or videos inside the museum so we were only able to take photos outside which was still very pretty.
Just as were going in, we can see Totoro greeting us behind the window.
Once we got our tickets we were greeted with different rooms dedicated to some of the films they have made in the past. The ticket they gave us was actually like a movie film, all randomly given out. The rooms inside the museum was full of paintings, drawings, art tools etc. There were also toys, books and other demonstrations on the process of making an animation. The exhibition I liked most was Spirited Away because i love the movies so much and Ponyo was very cutely decorated.
There was also the famous Cat Bus from the Totoro movie where many kids would climb into it and have a good time. Only kids were allowed in it. Shame we couldn’t take any photos inside.
拿到票之後,我們就看見很多不同的房間。主題就是他門過去做過的電影。還有有些房子是有很多畫筆,圖片,油畫, 玩具,書和有多告訴我們怎樣畫畫的過程。我最愛的主題房間就是千與千尋的因為我是在太愛這部電影
還有一個亮點就是美術館內有一隻很大的貓 - 就是龍貓裡面的貓巴士。但是他們只是規定給小朋友玩的
We made our way outside and started taking loads of photos.
This is one of the Guardians from Castle in the Sky. The cube is also from the movie I believe as it was close to the guardian.
This water pump I think was from movie Kiki’s Delivery - it actually works!
這個是魔女宅急便的水泵 - 這個真是可以泵水的
According to the map, this is Totoro’s landing.
Cute details on the tap
If you are traveling to Japan and is a fan of Ghibli, I highly recommend you visiting this museum.
Details for Ghibli Museum
!steemitworldmap 35.6966542 lat 139.5701838 long d3scr
Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.
謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.
All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷
Below are some of my previous posts:
Explore How DIfferent Cultures Celebrate Mid Autumn Festival
Grand Palace Part 1 @ Bangkok, Thailand
Planning for the museum began in 1998. Construction started in March 2000, and the museum opened October 1, 2001.[1] Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki designed the museum himself, using storyboards similar to the ones he creates for his films.
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我在澳洲這邊非常慢 - 看完微信才知道很多人都上不到。 我按了 submit 2兩個小時才出文
我沒有用過 - 看到steemit 不行就放棄啦。
That's awesome! I hope I one day get the opportunity to travel out there! I would love to visit the museum! And spirited away is one of my all time favorite anime movies!

If you get a chance, its a must do if you are a fan of the movies. I love Ghibli films!
Nice photography, Tokyo is a place that i really like. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photographs.
Thanks for dropping by :)
WOW! Thats a huge help for travelers. Thanks for the recommendations!
thanks for dropping by :)
Most popular place for photos within the park. Pretty awesome!
Fantastic photography! I hope to see more from you.
我剛剛看Facebook說三鷹之森吉卜力美術館會有一個主題樂園 2020開!!
是啊! 時間一下子就過了~
在Aichi Prefecture EXPO Park
是的。在澳洲JTB 說賣完所有我到日本在Lawson 再看一次,剛好有票!