今晚浪漫满屋 My husband wants to hang out with me TONIGHT

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


我得承认在这两周我冷落了我老公。每天上班回来除了吃饭,睡觉的时间,我都忙于爬格子,发Steemit ,没有和老公有什么沟通。

晚上下班回家前,本来也预想类似的安排,甚至给自己布置了Steemit 的任务。在吃完老公为我精心准备的晚餐后,老公突然对我说:我想我老婆了,晚上想跟她多一点两人的世界。在吃饭的时候我们聊了一些各自在Steemit 上的感受。

老公以前学专业摄影,他喜欢黑白照,每天都花了很多时间和精力去筛选好的相片,然后编辑它们直到最好并写篇随想再发出去。可是每次发出去的文章都只有三四个人看,可以想象他心里有多郁闷。我问他我们是不是应该考虑放弃在Steemit上的耕耘,如果没有人追随,哪怕再好的文章也被淹没在成千上万的更新文章中。而且对于我们投入的时间和精力,掙的钱连基本小时工资都没达到。上周我们去Hopkinton 国家公园,在路上的时候老公还打趣地说“至少Steemit今天帮忙我们付了这次出来的油钱”。 哪怕如此,他晚上还是告诉我说要继续坚持下去。


I had to confess that in the past couple weeks, I didn't spend too much time with my husband and check him out. Other than busy day work, every day when I went home, other than eating dinner and sleeping together, I spent most of my time working on Steemit.

Tonight before I came back from home, I made full plan for myself on Steemit. After dinner, when I was about to walk upstairs, my hubby suddenly told me" I miss my wife, may I hang out with her tonight". I felt guilty.

My husband is a very good photographer and writer. He loves black and white. Every day he spends so much time selecting the best photos, and edits them carefully and posts them to Steemit with a well written article. He really is good at it. How disappointed it is that every of his post was only viewed by few. I asked him if we should consider to quit Steemit. As without good followers, no matter how good your content is, they will all end up in no where and buried with tons of new posts within seconds.

We have been spending so much time in Steemit and working hard on it. But we can nearly make good money, not even hit the minimal income per hour. My husband is always very optimistic, last week on our way home from Harpkinton State Park, he joked and said "well, at least Steemit pays for the gas today for the trip". And he confirmed to me again tonight that we should not quit.

Not sure what we want to do, but now I have to say good night to you as I want to give my time to my husband and have quality time with him. Steetmit can wait till tomorrow. Good night my Steemian friends, wish you all a good night.


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