10 reasons why I am living in Taiwan, and why you should come visit #1 (English-中文)

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Both English and Chinese parts are written by me, after what my awesome girlfriend helps me improve the Chinese part, so special thanks to her (help me treat her a good dinner ^^)


I came to Taiwan for a rather simple reason: I’ve got accepted as an exchange student in the National Cheng Kung University. It is a pretty famous university in Taiwan, so I just jumped on the occasion.


After that, I could have just went back home, but I didn’t, here is why:


1. People /人民


Taiwanese people are just amazing! Coming from a western country where people are afraid to interact with strangers, arriving in Taiwan was really soothing. The first time I arrived in Tainan, I got lost and since I couldn’t speak Chinese I didn’t dare asking for help. A man felt my distress and came to help me find my way. He even helped me registering at the University and brought me by car to my dorm so I could check in. That is just one story among the many that proves that Taiwanese truly have a good heart.


2. Friends / Another family - 朋友/另外一个家庭


Of course it is hard to live far from my family, but with Skype and other means, it is easy to communicate on a regular basis. And more than friends, I met people here that I consider as my family: lots of Taiwanese and French but also Italians, Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese... and so much more! Being an expat is a great way to meet people from lots of different nationalities and get to know them and their culture. That is really something that changed my whole perception of the world.


3. Food/食物

Food! Wow… Where do I even begin? I live in Tainan, the food capital of Taiwan. Taiwanese food has been influenced by pretty much all the different regions of China, so visiting Taiwan is like taking an express tour around Chinese cuisine. But it is so much more than that, Taiwanese cuisine has also be influenced by the Japanese ruling, the local aboriginal food and of course its own creations.

食物!哇。 。 。我要從哪裡開始呢?我住在台南,台灣美食的首都。台灣食物都是差不多被中國不同的地區受到影響,所以來到了台灣就像搭了一輛快車繞在中國烹飪料理的周圍。但它遠不止這一點,台灣美食也因為日本的統治受到了影響,當地的原住民食物和當然也少不了本地人自己的創作。


From beef noodle soup to ginger duck hot pot, from fried rice to wonton and from three cup chicken to luwei, it is hard to get bored of Taiwanese cuisine! After a while, even the strange and exotic stinky tofu becomes a necessary part of the menu. Vegetarian food and foreign cuisine are also very easy to find here and as yummy as the rest.


To make it even better, food is really cheap here: you can have very nice meals for 2 to 3 USD, so cooking is seldom worth the hassle.


Last but not least, a big argument in favor of Taiwan: MANGOS! Fresh mangos, green mangos, mango smoothies and mango shave ice, don’t even get me started ^^

最後但同樣重要的一點,利於台灣的一個大論點:芒果!新鮮的芒果,青芒果,芒果冰沙和芒果刨冰,別讓我打開話匣子 ^^

I couldn't talk about food in Taiwan without mentioning the night markets, where you can find all the food you ever imagined (and more) until late night!


4. Weather/天氣

If you like cold weather, this section is probably not for you! One of the reasons I love Taiwan is because I feel like it is summer every day. Especially in the South, where it seldom raining. I will always remember how I got shocked the first time I came here 7 years ago. It was 23 degree Celsius at the end of February, so I was wearing that


while Taiwanese were wearing something like that (ok, Im exagerating a little bit haha)

而台灣人都在穿 (我太誇張了吧! 哈哈)

It often gets a bit too hot during summer, and that’s when AC will become your best friend! June-September will also be the typhoon season but most of them are harmless and if we are lucky, we will get typhoon holidays!


5. Lifestyle/生活方式

Life is quite affordable here, although I already have been here long enough to see the prices grow consequently. Needless to say I never had time to get bored in this fabulous country! This allows me to live a life where I always eat outside, can go bowling, to the movies or karaoke several times a week and go travel every other week end. First time I came to Taiwan, I was only 19, so I have to say that at that time, cheap prices meant that I partied way too much, but I grew wiser since then (at least I hope ;p).

雖然我已經在這裡住了很久,看到價格漸漸上漲但我還覺得生活在這裡其實相當實惠。我也不會在任何時候在這極好的國家感到無聊!這也讓我過了每次在外頭吃飯,打保齡球和在一個星期內看幾部電影和每隔一個週末去旅行的一個生活。我第一次來到台灣,只有十九歲,所以我不得不說,便宜的價格使我去享受派對了太多但我從此以後希望我也有明智了起來 (希望如此 ;p)。


Stay tuned for five more reasons that make Taiwan so amazing for me!



Great post. Would love to visit Taiwan sometime

Thank you! You should visit, I'll talk about travels in the end of the top 10, and for a small island there is really a lot to see!

Welcome to Taiwan! 🇹🇼
Thanks for loving & sharing what you thought about this land! ✌️️

My pleasure =)

Very nice overview, as i am thinking of spending a winter in Asia, and Taiwan is a probable location, so you have a new follower as i am eager to learn more about the country. By the way, how much does it cost to rent an average apartment in Tainan?

You can have something decent for 200 USD. Let me know if you pass by Tainan ;)

That is so cool, will need to research more about that place :) and i bet Taipei is much much more expensive? :)

Never lived there but yea from what I heard it gets quite expensive, depending on the district

Come visit us, we can host a Taiwan Steemit Photoshoot/Photowalk together!

Looks like the gang is gathering, that would be some adventure :) I will seriously consider this depending how BeScouted development on STEEM blockchain goes :) But doing a photoshoot with people from Steemit would be awesome experience :)

You are funny, upvote unvote upvote unvote! :)

Sorry I am coding an upvote extension for chrome haha
Apparently, I ve tested it on your message ;p I will finish with an upvote then ^^

Looks like you had a remarkable time on your visit. I would definitely like to visit there in the future! Upvoted, resteemed, and followed.

thank you :) you really should pass by, its definitely worth it

Please check your telegram.
And I would definitely fall in love with Taiwan after reading your posts if I've never been to Taiwan.

Nice article my friend! Makes me wanna travel! Now I know why you currently don't write for the gnc 😰peace out

im not giving up on the gnc =p

Where can I see your PPAP? Please upload it for letting me watch it!!

hahaha i guess i have it somewhere

Oh well this post convinced me to pick taiwan as next destination. A friend of mine just came back from taiwan recently and he loved it there. I'll forward this post to my boyfriend :D. He seemed to be interested in visiting Taiwan more than HK ! so this would also give him some more exposure.

If you like cold weather, this section is probably not for you

We like cold weather and It's always summer here :') definitely summer would be a really bad idea to visit !

Have a great day @stoodkev ^^

Summer is not the best time because of Typhoons anyways, I like October - April weather better =D

Uhh but around that time my plan is to visit HK ! what a difficult pick :D but anyway I am still open to both choices. Taiwan does seem to be more "cheaper" than "HK" !
See you around !

It is, and you re welcome to come to Tainan anytime =)

Glad you love Taiwan! Resteemed!!!

Thanks a lot for sharing the word =D

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