Travelling with Stabilo #29: Lake Taupo and Lake Rotorua 经纬游踪 #29: 陶波湖和罗托努阿湖

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand, and it is also one of the largest caldera lakes in the world. The massive eruptions that created Lake Taupo started 26,500 years ago, and the last eruption in 180 AD created ash clouds that caused visible effects to the sky at far as China and Russia. Nowadays, the volcano is no longer active, and Lake Taupo become a hub for outdoor activities and water sports, especially during summer. During winter, the region is renowned for world class ski resorts. But for us, especially on a rainy day like this, all we wanted to do is just we say we have been to Lake Taupo and know what it looks like, and if we were lucky enough, take a glimpse of the snowy mountain caps if Mt Tongariro when the sky clears up a little. So with that thought, we hopped onto our car and embarked on a leisure drive down to Lake Taupo.



From Rotorua to Taupo township which is right on the shores of Lake Taupo takes about an hour. When we left Rotorua we could still see some clear skies, but it started pouring down very soon. Even in rain, the drive was a beautiful one, with the winding road cutting through rolling hills and farm lands. The scenery was so picturesque that I would have stopped every five minutes to take a picture if not for the quite busy traffic and the pouring rain. Eventually the rain stopped just when we reached a beautiful set of farm fields with a siding by the road. So I pulled over and took a few snaps quickly before it started to rain again.


Just before reaching Taupo about 15 minutes away is the famous Huka Falls. It is the largest waterfall in the North Island, and is where Lake Taupo flows into the Waikato River. When we got there, it was pouring down, but we decided to go and have a look anyway, since the viewpoint was only 5 minutes walk from the car park anyway. In fact, I was quite excited, as heavy rainfall would mean decent water flow that would make a waterfall even more majestic to see. And I was not disappointed! As soon as I stepped out of the car, we could hear rumbling sound of the rapids. And as we stepped onto the wooden bridge, we were awestruck by the raging waters gushing through the narrow opening, as the water was squeezed through a 50 m gorge down the Mighty Waikato downhill. As we walked further we got a glimpse of the waterfall itself. Like a giant runaway tap the water, blue and crisp, thundered down the 11 m drop. The impact created pure white foam that spread down the river like cream floating on frappe. A pretty magnificent sight to behold!

快到陶波市大概还有15分钟的距离,我们经过了有名的胡卡瀑布。这是新西兰北岛最大的瀑布,是陶波湖湖水流往怀卡图河时形成。我们到达时雨非常的大,不过我们还是决定要下车看看,反正从停车场走到瀑布不到5分钟的路程。我其实还是特别的期待,因为大雨过后瀑布的水流肯定会又多又急,必定很壮观!果然不出我所料,我们一下车就听见了水流的隆隆作响。当我们踏上了木板桥,我们都深深的被汹涌澎湃的激流所震撼。河水从陶波湖急流而下,被挤进只有50米宽的狭窄峡谷, 形成了这壮丽的景观。再往前走一会,我们就看见了胡卡大瀑布,蔚蓝清澈的河水像个水龙头一样从11米的高度涌下,声响如雷。河水冲击而成的白沫像冰咖啡上的奶油一样飘浮在河面上。果然是个很壮观的瀑布!

After the detour to Huka Falls, we continued our way to the Taupo Lake front. Unfortunately it was raining cats and dogs by now and there was pretty much zero chance to see the snowy Mt Tongariro in the distance. In fact, when we reached the pier at the lakefront, the visibility across the lake is next to zero. But there were gatherings of ducks and seagulls on the lawns beside the lakefront, seemingly unfazed by the heavy rain and the high wind. I hurriedly took a few shots without leaving the car to prove that we were here, and then moved on.


We followed the shoreline to look for better vintage points to see more of the lake. Lake Taupo was indeed huge. If we didn't know better we would probably have believed that this was in fact the sea. We drove by a quiet neighbourhood on top of a hill which offered a better vista of the lake as well as rolling grass fields that covered much of the area. Further down, we came to a little bay area when the rain was the heaviest. The strong wind and stormy skies set such a dramatic scene that we decided to stop and watch the battering storm for a while.




After a while the weather calmed down a bit, so we decided to look for something to eat. We found this little lakeside pizza joint which was just what we were looking for. The restaurant was built over water, and the colourful signs and the canoes out front gave it quite a tropical feel. Inside though was more a cosy atmosphere, with the warm coloured wooden furniture and the roaring woodfires in fire pits making us feel especially warm. Even though it was windy and stormy outside, the plastic rain covers over the windows kept us nice and dry. There was not a lot of choices in terms of food, even for their speciality wood fire pizza there were only 3-4 types to choose from. But I guess it was enough to nourish us. They even had a feijoa made soft drink for sale. It was surprisingly relaxing to be able to sit warm and toasty, sipping on lattes while watching the wave raging on the lake surface. A pretty special lunch indeed!


After lunch, we realised that there is nothing much else to do, so we decided to head back. We drove back north, stopping along the way for more photos of the lake as the sky cleared up a bit and rays of sunshine lit up parts of the area. On our way we encountered another view point of Huka Falls. This time, the viewpoint was at the top of a hill, so we have a nice panoramic view of the waterfall and the river beyond.





It was only about 3:00pm when we arrived back at Rotorua, so we decided to visit another lake - Lake Rotorua. The name Rotorua essentially means two lakes, as there are two lakes in the vicinity of the Rotorua Township: Lake Rotorua and Lake Rotoiti, and the Rotorua township was built right on the shores of Lake Rotorua. The Lakefront is in fact quite close to the town’s CBD. Like Lake Taupo, Lake Rotorua was formed from a volcanic eruption, but it is much smaller in size: we could easily see the opposite shore from the lakefront. By the time we got there, the sun was out, with golden rays seeping past the silver lining of the rain clouds, shining on the grass fields beside the lake. Black swans swam in the gentle waves near the shore, and an old couple threw pieces of bread up into the sky, into the squad of flying seagulls that fought for this special feed. Everything was so picturesque! There was even a children's playground right beside the lake. It was a right decision to visit the lake and we spent the afternoon just chilling and relaxing along the lakeside.


This was our last day at Rotorua and it was sad to leave this beautiful town and the beautiful landscape in the surrounds. There are so many more places that we haven't explored yet, I surely hope we could come back here for more adventures soon!



!steemitworldmap -38.7916 lat 175.9150 long LakeTaupo d3scr


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好多图啊~ 笔哥出品,必属佳品



PS: 话说,那个Taupo,在毛利语表示啥啊?

Taupō-nui-a-Tia, meaning "great cloak of Tia"

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