Cafe Review 美食推送: Kin By Us

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Every Saturday after sending M to Chinese School, me and J usually head to the nearby Macquarie Shopping Centre for some grocery shopping. And on the way just before reaching the Shopping Centre was a Cafe called Kin By Us. We went there last Saturday for a breakfast date.

每个星期六送完M去中文学校,我和J都会去附近的Macquarie购物中心去买菜。而去购物中心的路上有家咖啡馆叫Kin By Us。我们上周六有空就去了那里吃了个休闲的早餐。

Kin By Us is located on Herring Street, just after passing the roundabout underneath the student accommodation buildings. It is a humble cafe without any large signs so it may be hard to find for first timers. Despite that, the cafe is quite popular, with the cafe being full of people already even though it was just after 10 a.m. This is not the first time we visited the cafe, but last time we only had time for a coffee. This time, we deliberately went earlier with an empty stomach so we had time and room for breakfast.

Kin By Us位于一个学生公寓的小区里,一点都不显眼。门前只有一个小木牌告诉你没有找错了地方。然而,这咖啡馆很受欢迎,早上十点已经坐满了人。上次来的时候我们只够时间喝了杯咖啡。这次特意早点来,好在这里饱餐一顿。

Kin By Us is a Asian-fusion style cafe with both traditional western style breakfast fare as well as fusion creations with elements of Korean and Japanese Cuisine. While it took sometime for us to decide out of the extensive menu what to get, we finally settled on two fusion dishes: A Porke Bowl, a Pork on rice dish, and the Chicken Congee. I also got a small cappuccino. The cappuccino was the first to arrive. It was a good cappuccino. I wouldn't say it is exceptional. But it is good enough. Even though it is missing the cocoa powder on top which I thought was essential for a coffee to be called a cappuccino, the fact that it was served on a chopping board does make up for it by hipster-ness.

Kin By Us 主打美食创作,除了传统西式早餐外,还有各种融合了韩国风和日本风的创意美食。我和J都有选择困难症,所以挑了好久才决定要了一份猪肉饭和一份鸡粥。我还点了一杯卡布奇诺。先来的卡布奇诺味道不错。不能说是最好喝的咖啡,不过还行。虽然杯上没有我以为卡布奇诺一定要有的可可粉,可是用木板端上来的咖啡还是挺酷的。

The Porke Bowl was clearly a word-play of Poke Bowl, the famous Hawaiian raw fish rice bowl that has taken the world by storm. Here, the Porke Bowl replaced the raw fish cubes with slice of pork belly with garlic soy marinate. The result? A big bowl of yum! Garnished with sauteed onion and pickled radish and topped with an onsen egg, this porky dish is flavoursome and delicious.


Congee is essentially rice porridge, served as a savoury dish. The Chicken Congee at Kin by Us is one of the most well-presented Congee dishes I've ever seen. Unlike a white bowl of hot mess that is usually seen in hawker shops in Asia where it was originated, this Chicken Congee is orderly and colourful. Freshly chopped spring onion and pork floss piles up on top of the hot congee, and red chilli and ginger was served on the side. There was also two bread sticks that is a healthy attempt for the traditional "You Tiao" Chinese deep dough. Unfortunately, it is the deep frying that makes You Tiao super delicious, and this healthy version is just no where as good. The rice porridge was a bit bland by itself, but the pork floss kind of made up for it and the chilli really packed a punch. So overall it was OK, just that it looked better than it tasted.


All-in-all Kin by Us was a pretty hip cafe that was perfect for a brunch date. The atmosphere was chic and the food are all instagrammable. While some of the dishes didn't live up to the expectation, the overall quality was still good, and there are a lot to try. So I will definitely recommend it, and probably go again to try some other dishes.

Kin by Us算是不错吧。虽然不是每道菜都能拿满分,可以卖相和环境都不错,非常适合约会或美食博客。而且餐牌上有这么多选择,说不定还有别的惊喜呢!


Kin by Us

2 Saunders Close,

Macquarie Park, NSW



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it all looks fantastic

Thanks for stopping by!

Ohhhh we went there years ago when they won the comp or something. So expensive for the congee 😅

So it was opened for a long time already. Yeah the price was a bit steep, but kind of expected fancy cafe price

喜欢这个名字 Kin by Us,他们的食物也很美观,味道应该也不错吧~






Mmhmm looks pretty delicous. Very nice and vivid colors in the pictures.

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