escape from miami part 2 迈阿密逃亡记 第二部分 by @seabearflying

in #cn7 years ago (edited)



The original plan this morning is snorkeling in ocean. So we all dressed up and waked up early.


Before arriving, I have booked a parking lots closed to the port, 3 dollars/hour. I think the price is reasonable. During my drive to the port, I got a phone call from the company: The trip today was canceled. It is absolutely unacceptable and a shock for me. As that guy said, a huge hurricane is coming in 2-3 days. I looked out the windows and the beautiful sunshine is awesome. I really believe it is a joke. All of a sudden, another sad news follows. All the activities are canceled from today on, including the parasailing tomorrow.


What the hell? How can you say the hurricane is coming under such nice sunshine?
The hurricane just attacked TX, didn't it?
Why does the routine change? How come it come to FL again?
Or it is another one?
Or it is just a hurricane! Don't worry about it! As a people from Xiamen where typhoon visit every week in summer,I just want to give it a shit.

我们仍不死心,把车开到了码头,得到的只是有一个令人失望的答案。妻子打开手机再三确认,在迈阿密东边的加勒比海上,飓风Irma, Jose正在移动着。可预报图显示至少4-5天后它才会登陆迈阿密。这么早就歇业,这帮人也真是不够敬业的。我心里碎碎念着。

I didn't give up and drove to the port. And I only got the disappointed answer. My wife opened the cellphone and double check. The hurricane Irma and Jose were on the Caribbean ocean, moving toward Miami. However, it is just showed that the hurricane only arrive in next 4-5 weeks. Why does these guys stop business so early? I am just complaining in my mind.
My mom and wife comfort me that, it is ok. Lets go and visit some other places. I agreed and drove along the seaside without destination. It seems like there is a fast current in the air and blows up the trash on the road. Is that the so-called hurricane? I guess.
After a while, I park along the beach. My wife and mom were taking pic outside. I thought for a while and dial another company’s number on the off chance they can give some hope.
We are so lucky to get good news, the company said, they knew the hurricane is coming, but their boat is still operating today.
That really makes me happy. I checked my watch and it was almost 9:05, 25 mins left for the departure time of 9:30. I ask them to jump into the car in haste and drove very fast. Finally, we arrive 5 mins early.


We handled the stroller and ran fast on the dock to the boat. My baby’s lovely face is shaking. The captain have been waiting for us for a while. Although he wore the sunglass, I can read the anxiety via his mouth and what he said to me. So far, I still remember clearly word by word. The captain repeated three times: it is unwise to take baby in this weather.



But we have no choice but to take her onto the boat. The engine started and boat left the port toward the ocean central. I was thinking that I may regret very soon and won’t take my baby next time. But who knows? The boat sailed for almost 50 mins until it stopped. Everybody jumped into the sea one by one, the tiny wave flaps the side board gently and I still didn't see any trace of hurricane. My baby was sleeping nicely. Three hours later, the boat got back to port. The captain told us: it is the last trip for them today and this week. They are closing. How lucky we are!






下午女儿午睡,我在酒店的游泳池泡了一下午,太阳毒辣。傍晚接到了来自American airline的提示邮件:您的航班可能会被飓风影响。请提早改变行程。此前订票的时候,我知道回程的那天有一般较早的航班。于是我利用去southmost point的时间,开始给expedia打电话,终于在一小时后电话接通,那头声音是:实在不好意思,这一小时都没有空闲的客服可以搭理我,请我晚上再拨。我又算了算,周五回程的时候,飓风还刚到古巴呢。心里暗自决定好笑:美国人是不是也太焦虑了点。。

Baby needed to sleep in afternoon, I relaxed in the swim pool of hotel for a whole afternoon. The sun is really poisoned. By nightfall, I got an email from American airline regarding the possible influence of hurricane on our flight. They suggest us to change our trip. When I booked our trip before, I knew that there is another earlier flight before the one I booked. So,I take advantage of the time when we are going out to visit south point to call expedia. It almost spent me 1 hour to have somebody answer. However they said, they just come out the suggest me not to wait anymore.
Anyway, I give up. I told myself that the hurricane just reached Cuba by Friday, It should be ok.


Later, the sunshine faded away and the neon light comes out. I walked around on the road and surprisingly found that some many cars line up the long queue in front of some gas stations. And half of the driveway is blocked. What is that?????? I walked into a superstore and found that: come on! All the drinking water are out of store!! Only the expensive imported French bubble water left!


再回到酒店,我们惊奇的发现门口被贴了告示:飓风来了。岛上所有酒店旅客明天全部疏散。人生中的第一张疏散ticket诞生了!跟妻子商量了一下,本着明天下午还有其他游览项目的想法,我们决定放弃key west,赶早去Miami。

When I returned back hotel. We are shocked again!!! A notice is pasted on our door. The hurricane is coming and all guests are required to evacuate tomorrow!!
That is my first evacuation ticket in my life! I discussed with my wife. Based on the thinking that we need to visit some other places tomorrow, we decide to leave keywest early tomorrow and head to Miami!


At this moment, I hope to summarize the places of intersest I visited today. The first one is the south most point where is only 70 miles away from CUBA.


keywest is the beginning of route 1 of USA.




The little white house was built in 1890 where is the house of president Truman.



午餐是在 El Siboney Restaurant解决的。这里的古巴菜特别正宗。推荐菜:Paella Valenciana (海鲜饭),需要提前一小时预订。Ropa Vieja(牛肉丝)。实在不能理解为了他们对黑豆跟炸香蕉如此情有独钟哈哈。。

I have my lunch in El Siboney Restaurant where you can find authentic Cuba style food. The Recommendation is Paella Valenciana (needed to order one hour beforehanded) and Ropa Vieja (pull beef).




晚餐是在Salsa Loca解决的。这是一家家庭式经营的墨西哥菜,非常不错。
I have my dinner in Salsa Loca which is a tasty home operated Mexican food.



Finally, let me post two pics of myself. Let's wait for the third part.





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