
以下是一些其他信息。 我开始跟随一个人,很多很多帖子都在我的饲料上。 所有这些帖子都是我刚开始跟随的同一个人。 他们来自几天前。 所以,像我怀疑的,home(feed)页面是某种缓存,像一个列表一样被填充,我不认为列表被更新(或者当你停止下载时被删除)。


Here's some additional information. I started following a person and many, many posts came on my feed. All these posts were from the same person that I just started following. They were from several days ago. So, as I suspected, the home (feed) page is some sort of cache that gets populated like a list and I don't think the list is updated (or deleted when you stop following).

Translated by Google


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