爱演的俩宝 - The investment that really matters

in #cn5 years ago

俩娃在家总是要“唱几出戏”, 今天是背着书包一起上学去,还有戴着太阳眼镜凹造型。难得的和平共处,爸妈真是太开心啦!



Spending time on Steem and learning about the latest cryptocurrency projects is something I really enjoy. It's where I'm invested in terms of my time and my finances. Over a year ago, I quit my safe government job to enter more fully into this world of crypto. Although it has come at a time when the crypto bear was at its most severe, I'm thankful that I've gotten through it with more clarity on life.

The money and the financial freedom through crypto investments is never the goal. It's always just a means to what really matters. Investment into spending time with loved ones is what truly matters. And I'm thankful that crypto has given me the freedom to spend more time with family. I'm thankful that when my son returned from childcare today, I was able to be home and play soccer with him. I'm thankful that I got to be there when my kids played together, and I got to spend quality time with them. To me, that's what really matters.

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Beautiful kidlets. So cute when they're getting along. Love the lego border. Is that a mobile app filter?




Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63626.66
ETH 2640.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75