
park 哥? 不要 payout?


People who harass other users don't get paid out here on Steemit. :) Amazing how this platform works no?

You are not qualified as a witness. The people has the right to know the facts before they vote for you. Again, you have the freedom to downvote and I have the freedom of speech.

You don't even qualify as a stable minded human being with any reasonable skills of comprehension. Take your butthurt and ego someplace else! Oh wait, you're a bot!

You are funny. I am a bot? I never tried to follow 80,000+ users and then unfollow each of them. Funny

It's funny how you seem to be obsessed with me. It's also very weird and unnatural your obsession with me. You've been going on for months now. I hate to say this but have you considered seeing a therapist?

Obsessed with you? You are beautiful or charming?

I am to some people in my life. I'm sure you are amazing in yours to your close friends and family.

Your spamming and slander doesn't affect my life. You don't get to decide what I can do to help this platform or not. People have every right to know that you are a abusive user who harasses and blackmails established users on this platform for their own gains. Hence I will act as I see fit just as you see it fit to harass me. Your threats don't mean anything to me.

I never threatened you. I just reveal the fact to people. I do not need your response.

Do you understand what is blackmail? Have I ever asked anything from you?
You are an idiot or just simply a liar?

Dude. This is so funny. You seem to be fine spamming and slandering but you get butthurt when your claims are refuted. It's all okay as long as you are comfortable spamming around this platform writing shit about me. You have nothing to show for on this platform other than your mindless rants and a few posts with pictures-stuff that I care about and like but im forced to flag you because you don't value any of my community efforts and are hell bent on slandering me. This is the different between us. I work for the community upliftment, you work towards bringing people down who are changing lives of others for the better everyday.

If you want, we can make a deal. This is the first time I ask something from you. You can call this blackmail if you want.

  1. You stopping lying about me.
  2. Restore my account. Again, I have only one account. ID is nationalpark
  3. Remove all your downvotes.

Then, I will ignore you.

Do we have a deal?

You know what, I waited patiently for months to see if you will imbibe some amount of positivity in your life and move on to do some amazing things on this platform instead of slandering me. I would check back on your blog comments regularly and all I saw was hate.

Months passed and seasons changed. I have nothing to fear from you anymore simply because you pushed me to a corner and made me make a really tough choice about how I want to deal with your personally directed attacks towards me.

I understand your sentiments. You are hurt because of my actions of flagging you, but then I am also tired and disappointed from yours actions. This is the blockchain, your slanderous comments are recorded here forever just as my responses refuting your claims. Whatever the context may be.

You seem to think I have something to loose or gain. You fail to realise that when we die and pass away, none of this will matter dude. No one will remember you or me. I truly understand the depth of these words, maybe you don't. I'm on Steemit to empower people across the globe to earn a basic monthly income and improve their lives. You've been trying your hardest to stop me from these community goals. You have been doing it for months.

Today, I have no choice but to assume that you are here only to attack me and I'm forced to defend myself. I am just doing that with all the means provided to me by this platform. I can't just stop my community work just because you are pissed off at me.

You might not agree with my flags but there's nothing you can do about it. I've never negotiated with any kind of abuser that I've nuked from this platform and I cannot start today. You are free to continue to write shit about me and slander me all you want. I will just quietly do my work to help the community and deal with your behaviour as I see fit.

You seem like a nice person and a sensible guy from all your other posts and comments before you started attacking me month after month. I really like your passion for parks and I used to even follow your blog posts. But none of that matters anymore. I'm taking the time to write to you to let you know what I feel. You probably don't care and that's fine too.

I will observe how things go for next few weeks and decide.

I'm not scared of an internet troll. The sooner you understand that your threats mean nothing, the happier you will be. The sooner you realise that your time is better spent at writing some good posts like you used to before you decided to get involved in creating unnecessary drama on Steemit you might even live a happier and fulfilling life. You seem to be too thick in your skull to understand the basic things about life. This is social media, this isn't real. You aren't taking any of this to your grave as some legacy man. No one is. I hope you will realise it sooner than later. :)

Saw the war between you guys when I joined this platform 200 days ago, and I was so amazed by the endurance by you both to keep the war til now.

Such endurance could really spend elsewhere for greater good guys...


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