Approaching Machu Picchu (3) 繼續秘魯丘比丘之旅 (3)

in #cn7 years ago
Last time on my Machu Picchu trip post, I was half way through my trek. This time I'm going to finish the rest of my trek but first of all I want to talk a bit about booking my trip.


The classic Inca trek to Machu Picchu has to be booked through a local company and you have to join one of their guided groups. You're not allowed to trek by yourself. There is a daily limit of 500 permits a day which includes porters and guides as well. If you read my last post, you will remember there was 4 support staff just for the two of us, that means the quota for tourists isn't a lot.


The entire route is closed every February for restoration, then you have the wet season in March to April, and October to January, so in reality you're left with around six months in the year which is the dry season. Trekking permits are thus snapped up very quickly. I went in late October 2015, but had to book my tour in March that year, that's the longest in advance I've ever planned for a holiday. Luckily, as you can see from my photos, the wet season hadn't started yet. So a little tip, if you're planning to trek the Inca trail, plan early.


Back to the remaining of my trek to Machu Pucchu. There are various checkpoints en route where you have to have your passport stamped by the authorities. For my 2 day trek, there were two checkpoints, the first not long after I started at Km104, and the second one at Winay Wayna after lunch. Here's the stamps on my passport.

好了,繼續我馬丘比丘之旅。步道沿路上有好幾個檢查站,而我2天的旅程(其實實際在步道上只有1天而已) 就要經過有2個。第1個在早上出發後不久,而第2個在午餐後Winya Wanya 附近。每次經過檢查站都一定要在護照上蓋上印章,這就是我護照的印章。mp204.jpg


The afternoon trek is shorter but more strenuous than the morning. There are uphills and downhill and we went through the rainforest. Eventually we got to the Monkey Steps, so called as it was so steep that you might have to use all fours.



After this final climb, we got to Intipunku, the Sun Gate, the moment that all the trekkers have been working towards. Words were beyond me when I got here, partly because I was already quite tired, but mainly because I was blown away by the beauty of the site.


This is the moment where you see what you have already seen hundreds of times already on TV, the internet and magazines. Yet, this moment was special, as you're seeing it with your own eyes, it's real, it's actually in front of you, you're within reach of an incredible piece of history and culture~ Machu Picchu.

I'm so exhausted and look absolutely terrible here, so have to hide behind the monkey!在這時侯實在太累,樣子不能見人喔!


At 2720km, the Sun Gate is the highest point on the trek. From here it's another hour's walk till we actually get to Machu Pucchu. I'm getting closer.

太陽門在海拔 2720高,是整個旅程最高點。從這去馬丘比丘還要多走大概1小時。我離它越來越接近了。

And we made it at last!


Time for a bit of loving celebration with my guide. How often do you make it to the Macchu Picchu, so yes, a bit of silliness is allowed!

跟導遊來一個愛心的慶祝。 不是每天都可以到馬丘比丘呀,所以來個可愛傻傻的慶祝我覺得絕不是太過份。

The best thing about arriving at Machu Picchu in the late afternoon was that most of the tourists have left for the day, and we pretty much had the whole site to ourselves. These are my own photos, not from internet!

在下午這個時侯到達馬丘比丘最大的好處就是其他遊人大部分都已經離開。整個地方基本上沒有其他遊人,可以好好感受這裡的靈氣。 你看,這些照片全都是我自己拍的,不是從網上下載喔。


After a quick walk through the site, we took the bus down to our camping site, where our fantastic porters had already set up our tent, and were preparing dinner. Tomorrow, we will go back up to Machu Picchu and explore this magnificent piece of history in detail. Stay tuned for my next post.

我們在馬丘比丘停留了短暫片刻,然後坐公車到山下營地過一夜。支援我們的挑工已經搭好帳篷讓我們可以休息,我們到時他們已在準備晚餐。 明天我們會再返回山上的馬丘比丘,多了解這個歷史悠久的印加族文化。下次再見。

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My big dream to go there and just walk among the ruins for weeks! If steem helps, maybe this year? :)

Its looking good for sure

I am also interested in the details, and the history as well. This is the first on my bucket list, then Cambodia

Oh so incredible. Wish I could go. Seeing it in real life is different than on television. No words to express that feeling.

If I understand this correctly you went from 104km to 2720km? Talk about a long walk!

Ah! That bit was a bit confusing!

104km was the starting point, which is the distance from Cusco to where we got off the train. That point was about 2000m ASL. Then we ascended up to 2720m ASL, so over 700m ascend during the day.

I would never by able to ascend 2700km not even if I had a month!!



thank you for the sharing your experiences in Machu Picchu, a historical sight i was only able to take a "tour" thru the documentary of natgeo.

glad that despite there are regular visits, the site remained pristine.

You're welcome, UNESCO are putting pressure on the Peruvian government to preserve the site properly as its getting very over crowded. I'll be talking about this in my next post. Stay tuned!

I visited Machu Picchu on October 23 2015, just a few days before you :D
I loved it, a truly amazing place! I did not do the Inka Trail, but the Salkantay Trek which was out of this world! Thanks for this great post reminding me of my travels :)
I am actually coming to Taiwan later this year to study for one semester, I can't wait!
I am also doing a travel blog here on Steemit, you can check it out if you want :)

What a coincidence!

I have seen your posts via the Steemit World Map as I'm part of the curation team, really enjoyed reading it.

Whereabouts in Taiwan will you be? There will be plenty of fantastic photo opportunities for you!

Wow, so you are one of the people I have to thank for the amazing daily travel digests? It is always an amazing compilation of the very best travel posts here on Steemit!

I have applied for two different universities that are both located in Taipeh and for one in Malaysia, but I am yet to receive confirmation by my university where I will go. At the moment it seems very likely that I will be studying at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

The sights are breathtaking! Not to mention you take good pics. ;3

Thank you !
TBH, my photos doesn't really do it justice 😄



What a beautiful scenery! Machu Picchu's structure is similar to the Banaue Rice Terraces here in the Philippines! Glad you had fun on your vacation back there. Hope I could visit there someday :))

Isn't it amazing how different cultures so far apart all come up with similar ideas

Amazing post!!! I need to go see machi picchu now, super informative

I'm sure you will love it

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