Meat buns with celery and wax gourd芹菜冬瓜肉香包

in #cn7 years ago

Autumn is coming, it is very good to eat buns, in order to add some fat ,you can live through the winder. And I especially like to eat some buns every three or five days . Of course, the stuffing of buns is various, I guess you must have eaten buns with celery, wax gourd, mushroom, chive, cabbage, seafood, etc. But have you ever eaten meat buns with celery and gourmands? Today I will share with you my celery and wax guard balsam.

秋天到了, 都说秋天吃包子, 抓秋膘。 而我尤其爱吃包子, 隔个三五天不包一次, 觉得不那就是吃饭。 当然了,包子的馅料有各种各样的, 我猜你一定吃过芹菜的, 冬瓜的, 香菇的, 韭菜的, 白菜的, 海鲜的, 等等。 但是你吃过芹菜和冬瓜肉馅的吗?今天就和大家分享一下我做的芹菜冬瓜肉香包。

芹菜本身虽然是蔬菜,但是剁成馅之后,就有些发干,冬瓜单独做,水汽比较大,而且容易软,所以两者放一起, 我想肯定好吃,互补。做好之后果然不错, 味道鲜美, 还水灵,不信你也可以试试, 绝对不失望!

做法 :
芹菜洗净, 摘掉叶子, 留下根茎。开水烫一下,然后切碎。
冬瓜去皮, 切成小碎块,盐煞一下,除去多余的水分。
肉馅用盐,味素, 酱油,葱姜,五香粉, 料酒调好馅, 放进芹菜,冬瓜,搅拌均匀。 淋点香油。



大约15分钟,熄火,等1分钟后拣出包子,装盘,配上蒜酱,醋就可以吃了, 味道鲜美,不干, 水灵好吃!


Thank you for reading


AJ picked your post @lingfei for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

Great enjoy a lot want to see more of this in future. @lingfei

Great post ...!!

@lingfei it looks mouthwatering...thanks for sharing!

These look really delicious! Yummy! Thank you for sharing.

That looks sooo good! We had never heard of the wax gourd before, we will definitely try to find some to taste it. Keep up the beautiful posts @lingfei

these look delicious
missing man tao because of this post -
I used to buy just that and the sauce - early in the morning - newly bake and then I would press two on my cheeks cause they're still warm
I love their smell too - hungry now!
I miss those old early mantao days :D

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