My late self-introduction // 遲來的自我介紹

in #cn7 years ago

I have joined Steemit about 2 months ago, but seems that I still haven't made a detailed self-introduction so far... okay so maybe it's time to make a formal self-introduction to the Steemit community :)

我在大約2個月前加入Steemit,但是直至現在好像還沒有做過一個詳細的自我介紹...好吧,也許現在是時候來一次正式的自我介紹了 :)

Steemit and me // Steemit 與我

Still remember the time when I first joined Steemit, I was completely lost with lots of new terms, like "SBD", "Steem Power", "Power up", "Resteem", etc. And I was only getting a few cents for my first few posts at that time! I really can't imagine shortly after 2 months, I have grown up so much together with the Hong Kong and China community, and we even had our own gathering and self-designed t-shirt!

還記得當我最初加入Steemit的時候,不斷看到很多新的術語,如“SBD”、“Steem Power”、“Power up”、“Resteem”等等,真的感到頗迷失,而且我當時我的前幾個帖子只得到了幾分錢 ! 兩個月後,我真的想不到,我和香港和中國社區已經一起成長了不少,我們甚至已經有香港區的聚會和自製T-shirt呢!

Special thanks to @htliao for introducing this platform to me at the very first beginning. I am really glad to have made so many friends here! And also thank you @nicolemoker for designing such a beautiful t-shirt! I have found a model to display this beautiful t-shirt to all of you ;)

特別感謝 @htliao 向我介紹Steemit這個平台。我真的很高興在這裡認識了這麼多的朋友! 另外亦要感謝 @nicolemoker為我們設計了這麼漂亮的T-shirt! 以下有請一位model為大家展示一下這件漂亮的T-shirt ;)


This is actually a doll that I got by playing a crane machine in Japan XD

它是我在日本的夾公仔機贏得的獎品 XD

My background // 我的背景

I guess quite a lot of you may know that I am teaching Mathematics in a secondary school. To be exact, I am working as a teaching assistant only, and I still have to study one year of education diploma in order to gain the qualification of being a secondary school teacher. In fact the discipline that I studied in the university is not related to education at all - which is actuarial science, but I didn't like the nature of work of an actuary and found it quite boring and meaningless. That's why I decided to switch my career to the teaching industry.

中文版就不多說了,早幾天已經發了一篇講述我的追夢故事的文章,詳情就到這裡看看吧 :)

My hobbies // 我的興趣

Obviously I am interested in Mathematics, and actually I am interested in computer programming too! That's why I am holding a Mathematics × Programming Competition regularly on Steemit :) If you have never seen it, take a look at the latest competition that just ended a few days ago.

顯然我對數學很感興趣,但其實我也同樣喜愛編程! 因此我在Steemit便定期舉辦「數學 × 程式編寫比賽」。如果你還沒有看過這個比賽,請到這裡看看剛剛結束了的比賽吧。記得下次要參加哦 :)

Anything less academic? Yes, I love travelling too! Most of the time I travel in Asia only, like Japan and Taiwan. Fortunate enough I had the chance to join an exchange program during my university study, so I have also been to a lot of places in Europe, like UK, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Norway, Iceland.... haha perhaps let me write some articles on my trips later on :)

可以不要這麼學術嗎?當然可以,我其實也很喜歡旅遊的。大部分時間我都是在亞洲旅行,例如是日本和台灣。我在大學期間有幸參加交流,所以我也去過不少歐洲地方,例如英國、德國、意大利、法國、芬蘭、挪威、冰島....哈哈也許讓我稍後寫一些遊記為大家介紹一下吧 :)

2014-03-22 14.12.32.jpg

South Coast, Iceland 南海岸,冰島

2014-06-07 12.03.55.jpg

Bergen, Norway 卑爾根,挪威

Music is also one of my interest. I have learnt piano for about 10 years but have stopped after attaining ATCL (Associate of the Trinity College London) (You can't guess a math nerd can play the piano well right?) Nowadays I only play pop songs occasionally as leisure activity... my piano skill has gone rusty :(

音樂也是我的興趣之一呢!不知不覺間我學了鋼琴已經約10年,但在取得ATCL(所謂的演奏級第一級)之後已經沒有再學了(想不到一個數學人也懂音樂吧?)現在我只會偶爾彈一些流行歌曲作為休閒活動,我的鋼琴技術都早已生疏了 :(

Anyway, I am so glad to be part of the Steemit family. Let's grow and be strong together!


Upvote, resteem and follow me at @kenchung if you like my posts!


Welcome to family :)

Welcome to our community :D

Welcome @kenchung I am now following you, please do the same to me, thanks...

Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you :)


Welcome to steemit

Cool man I gave you a follow! Lets hear some of that piano playing! follow my blog as well. I see your post is doing really well already. I will contribute my upvote as well. peace!

I want to say "welcome to steemit!!" but I just realise I'm only a one-month newbie to steemit hahaa
So I can only say 互粉ok 嗎 :ppp
And let's steem on together!!!

haha 好主意,就互粉一下吧 :p

@kenchung Wow! that's an amazing article. Lots of information. Keep posting quality content.

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