Quantum Physics (I): Wave-Particle Duality 量子力學 (一)波粒二象性steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

What is stuff made of? This is a question that was asked by many many great philosophers and scientists. Let me clarify: the question isn't: what is this wooden chair made of? (Wood, duh!). The question is: are there fundamental building blocks of the Universe? Today, thanks to Rutherford's scattering experiment, we know that stuff is made of atoms, or particles.

(If you're interested about this experiment, you may read more about it at https://steemit.com/cn/@john811/great-experiments-1-rutherford-scattering :D )

It is actually amazing how the world has so many complex objects and yet fundamentally they are all just a bunch of particles, all of which governed by the same laws of Physics. Physicists are really a bunch of particles trying to understand themselves! Atoms and their constituents are not all there is in the Universe, though, waves can also carry energy but they need not contain any particles (at least before we think about wave-particle duality). Waves are pretty!

物質是由什麼構成的呢?很多古代的哲學家及科學家都提出過這道問題。今天,我們知道物質是由原子,或粒子,組成的。我在之前的一篇文章:"偉大的實驗(一): 拉塞福散射" 解釋過拉塞福如何發現原子的構造。如果你還沒有看過那篇文章而有興趣,歡迎去看一下! https://steemit.com/cn/@john811/great-experiments-1-rutherford-scattering

我們的宇宙是何等的複雜,何等的浩翰。然而,這宇宙內所有的一切都由相同的原材料,也就是原子,構成。這些粒子,無論是在我們的身體裏,抑或是在遠方的星體中,都遵守着一模一樣的物理定論,但卻能構成截然不同的物體,可謂非常的神奇。物理學家其實就是一堆粒子,努力地想了解自己!可是這宇宙還有一些奇怪的東西是不由粒子組成的,那就是。波是很漂亮的 :)

Before we talk about the main topic, Wave-Particle Duality, which, as the name suggests, implies an object can be both a wave and a particle at the same time, let's make sure we understand what waves and particles are and why it is amazing that things can have wave and particle characters both at the same time.

Atoms were long thought to be particles. We can think of them as tiny tiny balls, so tiny that for most purposes we can think of them as points. The size of an atom is around 0.1 nanometre, or 0.0000000001 metres. We are all familiar with how particles behave: if we throw a ball at a solid wall, it will bounce back. If we throw a ball through a big enough gap on the wall, it will pass straight through as though the wall is not there whatsoever.

Waves, on the other hand, have very different behaviours. A very characteristic behaviour of waves is that they diffract when they pass through a gap. Diffraction is when a plane wave passes through a gap and comes out circular. This is very different to particle behaviour: as we just mentioned, a particle passing through a gap will just pass through the gap! It will not diffract or do other funny things. Let's look at some pretty pictures of wave phenomena. An example of a wave is water waves. We can generate them by dropping something into a pond of water:



If a wave passes through some gap, it diffracts.


Another everyday example of a wave is visible light; more specifically, visible light is an electromagnetic wave that propagates through empty space at the speed of light at around 300,000,000 metres per second. Other examples of electromagnetic waves include microwaves, UV and X-rays. Electromagnetic waves exhibit wave-like behaviours such as diffraction. A particularly interesting phenomenon takes place when a wave is passed through a double slit. A double slit looks something like this:


Waves passing through one gap interfere with those passing through the other, resulting in an interference pattern as shown in the picture below.


The point is that particles and waves are fundamentally different concepts; for instance, one cannot explain the interference pattern using a particle description. The understanding in the scientific world before the early 20th century was that certain things behave as particles and certain things behave as waves. For example, light was thought to be a wave while an electron was thought to be a particle. In the early 20th century, Einstein proposed that light must consist of particles in order to explain the photoelectric effect.

(I may write another post on the photoelectric effect if people are interested, but the point now is that the photoelectric effect only makes sense if light consists of particles, which we call photons. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for explaining the photoelectric effect, although many would think that it was for his theory of relativity.)


Wait a minute. So is light a wave or a particle? In fact, both. The current understanding is that light is a wave and a particle. Under some conditions, it behaves as a wave, and under others, it behaves as a particle. This is wave-particle duality. The obvious question to ask is then, although it took several years before someone asked it: Can particles behave as waves? The answer is yes! Electrons, which we long thought to be particles, can actually diffract! A beautiful illustration of the interference pattern of electrons through a double slit is given below:


We can imagine firing electrons at the double slit one by one. Electron diffraction means that as we fire an electron through a double slit, it goes through both gaps at the same time and interferes with itself, producing the final interference pattern. By the way, electron diffraction is illustrated in the double slit picture above. Notice that the screen has multiple lines of electrons, i.e. an interference pattern! If electrons were particles, we would only expect there to be two lines of electrons on the screen.

If you are shocked after reading this, welcome to the amazing quantum world! I was so amazed when I heard about wave-particle duality and this eventually led me to study Physics at uni. There are many other interesting ideas in Quantum Physics that go against our natural intuition. This is unsurprising: after all, the quantum physics happens on scales so small that we do not experience it in everyday situations. However, very precise experiments can be done these days and quantum effects can be very clearly seen.


If you've read this far, thank you very much! :D Wave-particle duality is a central concept in Quantum Physics that encapsulates many ideas in Quantum Physics. This article has only covered a subset of the ideas. If you have enjoyed reading, please leave a comment to encourage :) Other comments and questions are most welcome! :D



好厲害吖!!!! 最近都在看電子繞射的解釋,你的解釋非常清晰


簡潔的理論描述,如有更深入的實際應用或對應近代所謂的dark energy/dark matter的宇宙現狀推論,可能更引人入勝。

多謝!Dark Energy 和 Dark Matter 可能將是另外數篇文章的主題 :)

Very nice explanations. Really! (And believe me, I have already seen a bunch on this topic.) What are you working on exactly, as a half-physicist?

[I don't like self-advertising myself, but you may be interested by a quantum mechanics series I started months ago (and that progresses very very slowly) and where I have already addressed the photoelectric effect, for instance (but I haven't touched the particle-wave duality so far).]

Hi lemouth. Thanks for your kind words! I have recently graduated from a Maths/Physics degree, currently taking a break. So delighted to meet someone who writes about Physics! I shall check out your quantum mechanics series. I am still new and have started several 'series', although at present each of them only has one post LOL
Glad to hear that you have written an article on the photoelectric effect; I encourage those who have just read the post above to read it!

很牛。虽然我对物理的认识还停留在 牛顿第二定理,动能守恒,其它的全忘记了。


嗯,所以叫 “牛” 顿 哈。


Information, the fundamental thing that all else is made from is information. Check out Physicist Thomas Campbell's work in this field.

I've always thought the uncomprehensible-ness of the wave-particle duality comes from the fact that we have defined a "particle" and a "wave" from what we have experienced in our immediate reality - we can see how waves work when we interact with water, and we generally believe that a particle acts in the way of a ball - a tennis ball bouncing around a room for example. Then at no point have we seen water act like a ball or vice versa - these bahaviours seem to be incompatible with each other. We have then applied these concepts when trying to understand the quantum world in some sort of top down metaphor, which ultimatly leads to an explanation that goes against our natural intuition. If we get rid of these preconceived ideas that we enforce onto quantum behaviour and take a "bottom up" approach, I think the concept is easier to understand. That is to say that an electron behaves in a certain way - in some circumstances it creates an interference pattern and in some circumstances it does not, these are its properties . These are the facts and our starting point in our understanding. Our similies and metaphors for understanding our universe can be limiting in some cases and we need to accept new fundamental concepts in order to grasp the phenomena what we observe. This is how I've always wrapped my head around this. Great article and a fascinating subject!

@bramlyapple I think you got this! Indeed Nature does not have to conform to our limited intuitions. We should perhaps think of an electron as sort-of-a localised wave packet that resembles both a wave and a particle, and hence has particle-like as well as wave-like behaviours. Indeed, the de Broglie formula tells us how to relate the momentum of a particle and its wavelength, so a wave description and a particle description are not mutually exclusive at all.

Light is a wave, but has granulosity at planck unit level.

Its not a particule in the sense it has no mass, but energy is received by packets what was originally the "quantas" of plancks, from which come the term of "quantum mechanics" as mechanics at sub atomic level.


In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. The fundamental notion that a physical property may be "quantized" is referred to as "the hypothesis of quantization".[1] This means that the magnitude of the physical property can take on only certain discrete values.

For example, a photon is a single quantum of light (or of any other form of electromagnetic radiation), and can be referred to as a "light quantum". Similarly, the energy of an electron bound within an atom is also quantized, and thus can only exist in certain discrete values. The fact that electrons can only exist at discrete energy levels in an atom causes atoms to be stable, and hence matter in general is stable.

Quantization is one of the foundations of the much broader physics of quantum mechanics. Quantization of the energy and its influence on how energy and matter interact (quantum electrodynamics) is part of the fundamental framework for understanding and describing nature.


The Planck constant (denoted h, also called Planck's constant) is a physical constant that is the quantum of action, central in quantum mechanics.

First recognized in 1900 by Max Planck, it was originally the proportionality constant between the minimal increment of energy, E, of a hypothetical electrically charged oscillator in a cavity that contained black body radiation, and the frequency, f, of its associated electromagnetic wave. In 1905, the value E, the minimal energy increment of a hypothetical oscillator, was theoretically associated by Albert Einstein with a "quantum" or minimal element of the energy of the electromagnetic wave itself. The light quantum behaved in some respects as an electrically neutral particle, as opposed to an electromagnetic wave. It was eventually called the photon.

Those quantas are like the pixels of the universe that give the particule aspect to light, but fundementally its still a wave.

The models of pribram - bohm based on fourriers series are interesting on this regard.

Thanks h0bby1 for your detailed comment! For me, it is hard to say whether fundamentally something is a particle or a wave. Wave-particle duality tells us that we can't really say one is more fundamental than the other. On the other hand, Quantum Field Theories would tell us that the quantum fields are the fundamental concepts.

The basics of quantum theory is based on this principle of quantas, fields with relativity are more a feature of space, and the quantas too, whereas light wave is more in the concept of energy and motion in these space, and are relative to the feature of the space in which they happen. Well its how i see it at least :)

This notion of what quanta are is still weird, but with the things like gravitational red shift, it seem more explained with quanta being feature of space, and dependent on it, whereas waves are dependent of their source of emission and more to be seen as energy / wavelenght-magnitude.


In astrophysics, gravitational redshift or Einstein shift is the process by which electromagnetic radiation originating from a source that is in a gravitational field is reduced in frequency, or redshifted, when observed in a region at a higher gravitational potential. This is a direct result of gravitational time dilation—if one is outside of an isolated gravitational source, the rate at which time passes increases as one moves away from that source. As frequency is inverse of time (specifically, time required for completing one wave oscillation), frequency of the electromagnetic radiation is reduced in an area of higher gravitational potential. There is a corresponding reduction in energy when electromagnetic radiation is red-shifted, as given by Planck's relation, due to the electromagnetic radiation propagating in opposition to the gravitational gradient. There also exists a corresponding blueshift when electromagnetic radiation propagates from an area of higher gravitational potential to an area of lower gravitational potential.



"The redshifted light we observe is consists of photons, discrete 'particles' of light energy. The energy of a photon is the product of a physical constant (Planck's constant) times the frequency of the light. Frequency is defined as the reciprocal of time, so if only certain redshifts are possible, then only certain energies are present, and hence only certain frequencies (or, equivalently, time intervals) are allowed. To the extent that redshifts of galaxies relate to the structure of time, then, it suggests an underlying quantization.
"In our newest theoretical models we have learned to predict the energies involved. We find that the times involved are always certain special multiples of the 'Planck time,' the shortest time interval consistent with modern physical theories. The model we are working with not only predicts redshifts but also permits a calculation of the mass energies of the basic fundamental particles and of the properties of the fundamental forces. The model implies that time, like space seems to be three dimensional.

Its to modelize this sort of stuff based on quanta i want system with precise clocking, based on cpu cycle which is hard to get on preemptive multi tasking os.

The quantification aspect is intimately tied into the non-local variables issue. See Bohm’s work (early work was with De Broglie) and various discussions around it such as Einstein’s take on it. This is an area of physics that I am very interested to explore with novel thinking once I finish my work on decentralized consensus. I have already written down some of my ideas for further introspection. I need to learn a lot more about the field. You could also see John Nash’s model of a vacuum he was working on right before he died. Check his Princeton homepage. I have a book Information Mechanics by Kantor that I have not had time to digest yet.

@anonymint I hope you will find time to spend on this very interesting topic!

The network scaling relativity spawned some new ideas on this matter. But I’m too overloaded in software work right now.

Im studying mostly riemann, tensors fields, quaternions and fourrier series :) thats the kind of stuff i want to integrate into distributed node to make simulation on those stuff of waves / quaternion / fourrier series and riemanian geometry.

Don’t make jealous ;-)

I already have lot of code for this :) its part of things i want to be able to have in portable binary form, on baremetal micro kernel, to have all the cpu clocks and cores and ram available for real time stuff, vectors, waves, fields etc

Current web solution are not that good to program this.

I will probably post on those topics here too.

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wow ,lovely article doc

Thanks lolcat :) Glad you enjoyed it!

good information


謝謝你逐字逐句的看完!如果你覺得哪裡我講的不清晰,請指出!也許將會是另一篇文章的主題! :)

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