A Quick Reminder for those who participate in the Anime Character Drawing Challenge

in #cn7 years ago


Wow, the Anime Character Drawing Challenge has started for several days and many people from different countries have already submitted their entries. Frankly, I was totally amazed by the fabulous drawings by all of you. Anime characters from Dragonball, EVA, One Piece, Gundam, Naruto, Doraemon and other animes have come to life and they are depicted so vividly.

However, I have also noticed some problems in some of the entries, and they are:

  • Drawings done but did not submit your entry under my comment
  • Your Steemit id is missing on your drawing(You can also use another piece of paper to write your id on it and shoot a photo with your drawing together to prove that it’s your original work)
  • Chinese posts by machine translation - The Chinese looks terrible and doesn’t make any sense with A LOT OF grammatical errors(I will not upvote them and I suggest you to make your post in English if you don’t know Chinese at all)



At last, I want to remind you that Steemit is not a place where you have finished your post and you can simply go away, expecting your post will have a high payout. If you are truly an anime lover, interact with others and upvote the posts that deserve your upvote. It is a great opportunity where many anime lovers from all corners of the world have finally come together, so don’t forget to interact and make friends with them, support each other, maybe they will even become a dolphin or whale one day, who knows. So visit #animedrawingchallenge now and support the drawings you like.

Hope that you have enjoyed this challenge. :D


不過也發現到有些參賽作品,帖子寫好了卻沒有到我的留言下提交,大家記得到這個帖子提交作品了, 不然我只好取消你的參賽資格啦。

voting power.png

還有,因為舉辦這次比賽的關係,我的Voting Power就像瀑布一樣急瀉到60多%了,所以這幾天大概會調低一下投票力度讓它回復過來,回到80%以上,但中文區還有其他大神為大家點贊,相信沒問題的。

最後,有喜愛動漫的大家請支持一下 #animedrawingchallenge 標籤下的優秀作品吧,看得出有不少原創作品都是花了不少心血和時間畫的。



HTLIAO cover 4 (1).png



謝謝支持:) 我認為已經有不少不錯的作品了,也有些是中文區的作者畫的呢。

Thanks for the reminder @htliao. This is one of the most interesting contest that I have participated on Steemit. I plan to create more drawings. I also forgot to submit my entries under your first comment, so will quickly do that on your original post. Have a great day and good luck to all the other participants. The drawings are really amazing, and really glad to see that there is so much interest on Anime on Steemit.

Thank you for your support and participation, your drawings are amazing too :) I like the style that you embed your id into your drawing, making it so special.

Thanks @htliao! I am glad that you created this contest and like my drawings. This contest has already attracted a lot of artists and I hope that this continues. Have an awesome day!

posting a steady friend,

Great! Thanks

Digital plays too?:D

Upvote and Resteem

great post @htliao ,i will come to see your post, and i hope we always can be share all about steemit and i am try to participate the anime character drawing challenge.., and i have make new poat about wonderful indonesia please give your support Click here and thank you for your support @htliao

Great contest!! I have no drawing skills so I can't enter 😂😀

Haha, that's okay. You have talent in other fields. :D

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