(ENG/中文) Japan Tokyo Gourmet Travel Guide #037爆食日本美食東京篇<潮>:创意芦笋肉卷水煮蛋鸡汤拉面/Creative creamy chicken soup ramen/藤木直人石神秀幸推薦拉麵 (好孩子Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド)

in #cn7 years ago


🍜 (ENG/中文) Japan Tokyo Gourmet Travel Guide #037🍜



Creative creamy chicken soup ramen


(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #036 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

The Awajicho Station looks unfamiliar to tourists, but it is closed to Akihabara that only takes no more than 10 minutes walk. The targeted restaurant is located here. It serves Chicken Soup Ramen that the soup base is my favorite one. ”Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!”

食店在淡路町看似陌生,雖然不是大家熟悉的 JR 山手線的站,但是距離大站秋葉原步行不用十分鐘。這天目標食店是拉麵,拉麵湯底系列屬於雞白湯系,是好孩子最喜歡的湯頭。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

食店在淡路町看似陌生,虽然不是大家熟悉的 JR 山手线的站,但是距离大站秋叶原步行不用十分钟。这天目标食店是拉面,拉面汤底系列属于鸡白汤系,是好孩子最喜欢的汤头。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

Source: おしゃれイズム「中井貴一に絶品のらーめんを!!」(http://www.ntv.co.jp/oshare/)

Awajicho is a residential area that almost no tourist walking around. I selected this target restaurant because it was recommended by many magazines and TV program. The famous Ramen Expert of Japan, Ishigami Hideyuki石神秀幸 also recommended it. Moreover, I was attracted by ramen tasting appearance of the handsome celebrity Naohito Fujiki. Oh oh oh! Ha…The drama “ホタルノヒカリ” he took with Ayase Haruka was so famous in Japan before.



There are two soup base of ramen: White chicken soup and Black soy sauce soup. The most popular one is chicken soup. Both soup ramen cost 870Yen, for 150gram and 200 gram noodles.

食店有(白) 鷄白湯そば (雞白湯) 和(黑) にほんいち醤油そば (醬油湯) 湯底選擇,主打最受歡迎是雞白湯。並盛:150g 大盛:200g 也是 870Yen。不用說,我是點大盛雞白湯そば呢!

食店有(白) 鸡白汤そば (鸡白汤) 和(黑) にほんいち醤油そば (酱油汤) 汤底选择,主打最受欢迎是鸡白汤。并盛:150g 大盛:200g 也是 870Yen。不用说,我是点大盛鸡白汤そば呢!

The setting and decoration of the dish looked nice and neat. You can see the pork and egg were different from other ramen restaurant. The long green asparagus mostly appeared in Udon dish. It was funny to see it in ramen!



Firstly I taste the chicken soup. It was sticky and creamy like. The sour cream style was sweet. And the pork was funny that the meat roll covered the asparagus. The pepper tastes strong!



The egg was also different from others ramen shop. It was poached egg that the thin egg white covered yulk. Once it was pierced by chopstick, the egg yulk mixed with the chicken soup that made it even more delicious! The ramen was half thick and hard. It sticked with the creamy soup just like pasta style.



After finished the meal, I went to Akihabara starbucks and did some business. It was a simple life in Tokyo.

吃飽到秋葉原 Starbucks 處理私務到晚上,簡單一天呢。

吃饱到秋叶原 Starbucks 处理私务到晚上,简单一天呢。

  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:

  • Cuisine Category/類型/ジャンル:

  • Address/地址/住所:
    2-4-4 Kanda Awajicho Chiyoda Tokyo
    千代田區神田淡路町2-4-4 アール神田淡路町 B1F

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Awaji-chōStation/ Ogawamachi Station/ shin'ochanomizu Station

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Sunday 星期一-日 11:00-19:00(L.O)
    soup sold out closed.

  • Day Off/休息日:

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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Just noticed the black borders on your photos, it's a small but nice touch. Shows how much effort you spend on your work.

Thank you! You are detail minded and see the black borders. I think you also understand how much effort and time to spend on writing blog, coz you are experience writer! :)


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