How to make a delicious Glutinous Rice Red Jujube(Too soft hearted) / 怎样制做糯米红枣(心太软)

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

This is for children and the ladies dish,The name of the dish is called ‘Too soft hearted’, Dates are rich in nutrients, Including vitamin C content among the best in the fruit,"King of vitamin" reputation ~ Seems complicated, in fact, just ten minutes ~

这道菜的名称叫心太软,这是给小孩和女士的一道菜~红枣富含多种营养成分,其中维生素C的含量在果品中名列前茅,有“维生素之王”的美称~, 看似复杂,其实只需十分钟,当小孩当零食都不错~

Processing method,

Xinjiang jujube 200 G(It must be seedless jujube), if nuclear, you must manually enucleated,Black sesame seeds

Glutinous rice flour 100G,Honey 50G,Little rock sugar
(1) After seedless dates soaked, cut
(2) jujube glutinous rice steamed into the inside,
(3) then topped with honey or Bing Tangshui Serve.

原料: 新疆大红枣 200 G,黑芝麻 少许,糯米粉 100G,蜂蜜 50G,冰糖 少许

  1. 无核的红枣泡过之后,剪开
  2. 红枣里面放入糯米米粉蒸熟,
  3. 再淋上蜂蜜或者冰糖水即成.

Looks very attractively. But I think one can not eat many in one time ;-)

Yes, this is a dessert dish, can not eat too much, otherwise Nuo rice bad digestion

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much



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