一種新的治療方法來阻止花生過敏。另外,讓我介紹一下自己。/ A New Treatment To Prevent Peanut Allergies. Also, Let Me Introduce MyselfsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

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Language Experiment/語言實驗。

My name is @DBER. For the last couple of months, I have been posting mostly science related content here on Steemit. Sometimes I talk about interstellar travel. Other times I discuss research papers or talk about mushrooms.

All of my posts, so far, have been in English. However, recently there has been a major push for bi-lingual, english/chinese content here and Steemit.

This post is an experiment in translation. The result, hopefully, is a translation which is accurate and gets across the meaning of the original English.

Below this, I have included an article I previously posted about food allergies. The English version is first, followed by the Chinese version. This article was previously posted only in English.

Please, let me know in the comments if this experiment was successful. If so, then I will use the same method in the future to translate my science posts into Mandarin. If not, then, of course, I won't. :)

Thank you!


我的名字是@DBER. 我一直在使用Steemit兩個月。我的大部分寫作都是關於科學。有時我會寫關於蘑菇或外太空。其他時候,像下面,我會寫關於新的科學研究。

到目前為止,我的所有寫作都是英文。 但最近有雙語寫作的興趣。


請讓我知道這個實驗是否成功。如果成功,我將開始將更多的文章翻譯成中文。如果不成功,我會堅持英語。 :) .



Dealing with a food allergy can be a terrible ordeal

Those of you who know people unlucky enough to suffer from them, also know that food allergies can be downright frightening. The individual living with an allergy to a given food has to live in an almost constant state of vigilance, especially if they're allergic response is severe in nature. For many people, the response to certain foods can be so severe, and so sudden, that it becomes a matter of life or death.

Food allergies stem from a fluke of the immune system

One of the main reasons humanity has thrived on planet Earth is our immune systems. At any given moment we are absolutely immersed in foreign bacteria. The cells of your body are outnumbered by foreign bacteria by a factor of 10 to 1. In fact, according to the NIH, every human being is 1 to 3% non-human bacteria by weight.

After millions of years of evolution, much of the bacteria in and on your body is actually good for you. In fact, human beings would not last long without the melange of bacteria suffused into their bodies, which we now call the "microbiome".

However, there are many bacteria and viruses which are not so helpful. These dangerous invaders would quickly overcome humanity and kill us all - but for the adaptive qualities of the human immune system, which keeps harmful invaders at bay while allowing safe/helpful visitors to thrive.

A case of mistaken identity

Food allergies are the result of our immune system misidentifying a particular food as a dangerous invader. How this happens is not entirely understood. Food allergies are more common among young children but they can also develop later in life. This late life development can have a clear cause, like the bizarre meat allergy people can get went bitten by a lone star tick., or no apparent cause at all.

The symptoms of a food allergy can run the gamut, from mild hives or itching, all the way to anaphylaxis - a dangerous physical state wherein your immune system goes into overdrive and, in the worst scenarios, your body begins to shut down or your throat to close. Peanuts are, generally speaking, one of the most likely food allergies to cause a deadly response, and although people can treat the symptoms with the quick use of an Epi-Pen or anti-histamine, there is no consistent or effective treatment for the underlying allergy... until, perhaps, now.

Tricking the immune system into doing the right thing.

New research published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, which is available to view for free with a free Lancet online registration, investigated the long term effects of a fairly new combination treatment of oral immunotherapy with probiotics.

The idea behind the treatment is ingenious. The new method uses oral immunotherapy - or eating larger and larger amount of peanut in this case - with a very specific oral probiotic taken at the same time.

By choosing a bacteria in the probiotic which itself instigates a strong immunological response in the human body, and then eating that bacteria at the same time as the peanut, the goal of the treatment, in effect, is to trick the immune system into learning a new immunological response to peanuts.

(The precise details involve what's called a tolerogenic treatment, which attempts to utilize your body's dendritic cells to create a tolerance to the thing you're allergic to. As usual, I encourage you to read the paper, and do further research if you want to learn the ins and outs of this kind of treatment. For instance, its application as a potential treatment for Type 1 diabetes)

Long Term Results

Oral Immunotherapy and Probiotic combinations have proven short term efficacy for some patients. But this new study wanted to know whether that efficacy lasted in the long term. So they went and found 48 people who had received this sort of treatment 4 years earlier and tested them for long term efficacy. Half of those people had received the treatment, while the other half had been placebos.

The results are impressive!

Of the individuals who actually received treatment, 16 of 24 were still eating peanuts regularly after four years! Comparatively, only 1 person from the placebo group could safely eat peanuts, while the rest still experienced an allergic reaction.

This is really big news, especially for those individuals who have to deal with food allergies in their day to day lives. Not only is there evidence that this newer form of treatment works - but it appears to work, for some people, for several years, at least. This has gigantic potential for those with food allergies, and could means the future for allergic people may be bright indeed.




我們的免疫系統負責人類的生存。 人類不斷被細菌所覆蓋。 你的身體比人類細胞有更多的細菌。以10比1的比例. 事實上,大多數成年人總是攜帶至少一磅的細菌。

幸運的是,身體上的大部分細菌對你都有好處。 你身體中的細菌被稱為“microbiome”,你需要許多這些細菌才能生存



當我們的免疫系統發生錯誤時,會發生食物過敏。我們的免疫系統認為一種食物是危險的。科學家們不知道為什麼我們的免疫系統這樣做。食物過敏在兒童中更常見。 但是成人也可能形成過敏。例如,在美國,有一種可以使人對肉過敏的昆蟲

有許多潛在的食物過敏症狀。 例如,您可能會發生皮疹或變得非常癢。或者您可能會遇到“anaphylaxis”。“Anaphylaxis”是一種危險的身體狀況。有時,當他們經歷“anaphylaxis”時,人們不能呼吸,甚至可以死亡。

花生過敏在世界各地非常普遍,可能非常危險。過去,這裡沒有治愈花生過敏症。 但現在這可能已經改變了。


“The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health”發表了新的研究報告。.研究人員測試了一種新的花生過敏治療。這種治療包括免疫治療(“immunotherapy”)和一起使用益生菌。

治療非常聰明。 患者吃少量花生。同時,病人也吃益生菌。




這種新治療對於一些患者俱有優異的短期結果。 但這項研究測試了長期的成果。科學家們看了一組24名患者。四年前,每名患者都接受了新的治療。



這是一個重要的發現,特別是對花生過敏的人來說。. 新治療工作在短期內。 而且,它也在長期工作! 需要做更多的研究,但這是一大步。有一天,食物過敏可能只是不好的回憶。

Information Source/信息來源:

Long-term clinical and immunological effects of probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy after treatment cessation: 4-year follow-up of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Hsiao, Kuang-ChihBurks, Wesley et al. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health , Volume 0 , Issue 0 ,

Other Sources linked to directly in article as appropriate.

Picture Source/圖片來源:
[1][By Jack Dykinga, USDA ARS [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](




so cool to see you post with Chinese too haha
welcome to the bilingual world XD

I take it, from the incredible response, that my translation was effective? I mean - it's comprehensible? Not too terrible?

Edit: I'm never going to be able to make it excellent - but I'm hoping I can make it good enough to share empirical information clearly- and therefore good enough for the science/mushroom posts.

Most of the translation looks reasonable.
Looking forward to the mushrooms post :)))

That's great! In that case, you will be seeing a mushroom post soon enough. Generally I want to create new content and post bilingually at the same time - but given the prevalence of the Jelly Ear in China I think I may do a test run with that post first.

@dber got you a $1.52 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@dber got you a $1.52 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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