我在英國的半年交流生活 My Half-year Exchange Life in UK - (中文/ENG)

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

今年是我很重要的一年,作了一些人生突破。我第一次出國留學了!以前曾到澳洲遊玩,但至少有親戚在那邊照應我,可是這次完全是自己一個離鄉別井,還要是半年那麼久!內心只怕自己會在那邊闖禍 >< 現在回港了,心頭有時仍會泛起漣漪,愐懷那時「退休」的時光哈哈!現在是時候回顧一下這半年的光景 :)

This year is a special one to me, for I have attained some achievements. I had studied abroad for the first time in forever! I've been to Australia before and there are relatives to take care of me. But this time I had entirely lived alone far away from home, for half a year even! Quite afraid of making all sorts of troubles >< Now I'm home, still couldn't help myself from not thinking of the wonderful 'retirement' life sometimes haha! It's time to review my half-year exchange life :)

日常 Daily Life

我在University of Kent當交流生。這半年我就住在這小房間裡,其實頗懷念獨居的生活。

I had my exchange study in the University of Kent. I had stayed in this little room for half a year. I do miss my life of living alone indeed.


On my way to lessons. Relaxing whenever I walked.


The short-cut to my friend's house in a forest-like environment. Like the fact that I can easily engage with the nature in foreign countries. (Though it was very scary to walk at night ><)


Clothes were smaller after being dried by dryers. I hanged the clothes in my room haha!


Stuck all postcards on the notice board. Imprints of my travelling experiences.


Received online purchases of food every week. The home delivery services were very convenient!

食 Food


For the past 20 years, I had not cooked that much than I had have for the 6 months. Improved my cooking skills! Got bored with spaghetti, potatoes and broccoli (For the sake of saving money)!


Food brought from Hong Kong hahah! The large packs of rice vermicelli were driving me crazy! ><

吃了有名的Nando's ,覺得不外如是,自己焗的更好吃,不太喜歡那些醬汁! (Nando's 的粉絲不喜勿插xd)

Tried the famous Nando's, fair enough. The chickens I cooked were even better. Don't really like the sauces! (Nando's fans please don't blame me xd)

最愛吃雞腿、豬肋骨、平到傻的乳酪和 Häagen-Dazs、生蠔,和 @jacklcp 煮的牛排和三文魚!Yummm~~

My favourites are chicken thighs, pork ribs, cheap yogurts and Häagen-Dazs, oysters, and steaks and salmons cooked by @jacklcp! Yummm~~

和兩位小伙伴的盛宴也很值得回味 :P 

Miss the great dinners with two buddies :P

旅行 Travel


First time to travel in Europe, safe but still exciting and nervous, luckily no theft!

德國國王湖。想不到這裡很美!快看 @jacklcp遊記!

Königssee in Germany. Unexpectedly gorgeous! Check it out in the blog of @jacklcp!

西班牙巴塞隆納 Barcelona, Spain

意大利羅馬 Rome, Italy

醉愛仍是冰島~~ Iceland my all time favourite~~


My town was not missed. Will write a blog about Canterbury soon!

讀書 Studying


Haha nearly forgot that I went there to learn, travelling ranks even higher than studying xd


Scared of failing exams, luckily got this guy to be my buddy.


Most local students take notes by hand than digitally. The learning atmosphere depends on what peers you have gotten in your classes. Some local students are even more lazy than I do hehe!

難忘的回憶 Remarkable Memories


First time seeing snowing! That's how snow looks like~~


Joined my flatmate's birthday party! Stepped out of my comfort zone~~ How much you try, how much you get.


Watched 'The Phantom of the Opera' in London. Overwhelmingly amazing! The live orchestra and singing were flawless, hovering in my mind still. Probably the only reason that I like UK about.


Knew a maintenance staff from the university due to the breakdown of my radiator. Very gentle and talkative! Gathered for a drink haha.


Cooked and party with friends from Hong Kong!


Last but not least, my best buddies who had spent good times together! Thanks for your love and care.


Over the past couples of months, I have been aware of the values I value most, family is a part I can never let go of. I value a lot about interpersonal relationships, have tried my best to maintain those with people that I treasure very much. Extrovert as I am, I am grateful to be more willing to communicate with strangers than expected, and have made some friends therefore. I have also discovered my interest in adventure-based activities, I like to challenge myself. Though I know how to take care of myself, it's still the very first chance to decide everything in daily life on my own. Such self consciousness is quite striking to me, it determines the attitude I adopt to live there and overcome all challenges in daily life.


Although I desperately crave to have my exchange study in New Zealand and UK is completely an offer out of my expectation, I strongly believe that it doesn't really matter where you are geographically to be honest. As long as you are able to reveal the meaning of staying in this place, as well as that of this place to you. Personally, the half-year life is just more than enough to be an adventure to me at this stage of life.


I have already found those meanings. Have you?


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adventure time in a fun learning life, you already feel overseas lectures and student exchanges, if there is an offer just go away, far and run more experience you can

哈哈! 難怪我想說怎麼會有米粉,原來離開家鄉的大家都一樣,會帶點家鄉味過去!! :D

能出國留學,那怕只是短時間的交流,還是會有所得的. 很好的分享!

some awesome pics here, love the mountain shot and the ribs and chicken are making me hungry now

a very interesting post it wants to also take pictures there @connieleung

Hi Connie, It is so cool to see your exchange experience!!Thanks for sharing and the food looks absolutely amazing! I went to a Norway exchange and the food there were so expensive. I wished I can cook as well as you, haha!Upvoted and followed. It'd be so nice of you can check out my post too! Thanks😀


Hi @connieleung, I liked reading about your exchange program in the UK. When I was in campus I never got a chance to go on an exchange program . It looks like fun travelling and interacting with people from diverse cultures. If you get the New Zealand one please go. I see that you had a chance to travel across Europe in Italy, Germany, Iceland, Spain. The pictures are awesome, I have been to the Colosseum in Rome too,amazing place. The food pictures had my mouth watering especially the grilled meat and chicken. That 6 months in Kent seems to have been fantastic, thank you for sharing with us :)




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