在Steemit成功的秘诀?写一大堆作品 // The Secret To Steemit Success? Build A Body Of Work (featuring @alexc as author)

in #cn8 years ago

这个帖子的原作者是 @alexc. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @alexc. You can find the original story here:


The Secret To Steemit Success? Build A Body Of Work


My friend was a curator for a central London art gallery. We were driving out from the centre into the countryside to visit a couple of artists for the day.

我问,“你选择艺术家做展览的标准是什么?” “我并不只去看艺术家的某一件作品,而是看他们的大量作品来了解 他们的想法,以及确定我们可以合作展览的方向。”

"So what makes you choose one artist over another?" I asked.
"Well, what I look for isn't an individual piece. It's a substantial body of work so I get an idea of how they think and what we can expect if we choose to exhibit them."


It was a fascinating day. We visited a coastal town Whitstable, to meet a rather maverick artist. She was famous for giving out sticks of rock with the name of a local paedophile on them which caused a bit stir... but also won her lots of attention in the local newspapers. My friend disliked her work, but I loved the irreverence of her spirit. It was putting two fingers up at the world.


Then we ventured to a green valley to meet an older lady with her husband in her cottage. She painted with watercolours I seem to remember very traditional. She'd previously been featured in my friend's gallery. You could see why she'd been chosen. There was a certain energy and old beauty about her art.


As a contributer here on Steemit, you are an artist.


You are a writer. You are a journalist. You can create whatever you want and will probably get paid for it.


The thing is, like these professional artists the rewards are often uneven and disproportionate.

可能有的时候你付出了几个小时甚至几天都一无所获。 也可能你付出30分钟,当时就可以得到报酬了。

You'll sometimes spend hours and days on something and receive nothing. You'll sometimes spend 30 minutes on something and get paid insanely.


The fact about art and writing and everything generally in life is it all feeds into your future work. You can link back to your previous work. It can be scaffolding for points you want to make in future articles, but don't have time to explain.


To do what you do now, you need your previous experience. You may have been paid well for it.

以我个人为例,在steemit写作之前,我在自己的博客里写了大约120 篇文章。在那之前,我为当地的一家杂志社写文章,还设立了我自己 的校报。做这些都没什么稿费,但是这帮我积累了宝贵的经验,我做 这些事情都是因为我确实乐在其中,而且对我很有意义。

Personally, I wrote ~120 articles on my own blog before Steemit . Before that I was writing for local magazines in newspapers and even set up my own school newspapers. Here I share what I learned so you can improve your writing I earned very little for it but it gave me experience. I did it because I enjoyed it it meant something to me.


You may have done it for nothing. Often it takes time before you get into a rhythm and have a nose for what's great.


Writing is like growing muscles


You work out, you sweat, you rest. Nothing happens immediately you're pumping out the same kind of thing. Then one day other's notice that "you're getting good at this". Then eventually you start to get noticed more by people you respect.


Eventually people think you're pumping out masterpieces and you just shrug and say "I'm just doing what I always did".


What's important is that you treat Steemit as a place to develop your body of work.

你在这里写得如何,不仅关乎你后面的一篇文章,还会影响你后期的 5篇,10篇,甚至20篇文章。当然坚持一年或者几年之后,你可能会 收获很多很多,也可能什么都得不到。

How well you do here, isn't about you next 1 article. It's your next 5, 10, 20 articles. It's how things are in year, or a few years. You may get grossly over rewarded for something. You might get nothing for most of it.


Experiment. Say what you need say. Try different topics. Try longerform. Try adding more gifs. Try try try.


The thing is to set yourself reasonable expectations

有的女生只是在这儿自我介绍就能拿1000美金,然而有的好的作者写 了特别棒的文章却啥也得不到。有的时候你的某一篇文章可以得到超 级多的关注,而其他的文章却无人问津。

I wince at how certain women, get $1000s here for just introducing themselves... while great writers with great articles get next to nothing. But part of it's luck a whale vote can get you too much attention on article. While the rest languish in the archives.


For better or worse, it's just how things are now.


And let's not forget Steemit is sensationally better than traditional blogging or freelance writing

在这里有等待你的读者,有最及时的反馈。你不必花太多时间搞促销, 也不必花费时间去求编辑或营销经理给你工作做。你只需要到Steemit 来发挥你的才华,然后得到应得的奖励。

Here, you have a premade audience. You have almost instant feedback. You don't have to spend much time on promotion at all. You don't have to spend all your time begging an editor or marketing manager to let you write for them. You simply have to provide value to the Steemit hivemind here and be rewarded accordingly.

如果你想在这里获得赞赏,那么就向我们展示你的才华吧......以及写 一大堆作品给我们看看

Now if you want to do well here, write, show us your soul... And build that body of work


Because once we know you're a good writer, people will see your name and shoot you an instant upvote.

这个帖子的原作者是 @alexc. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @alexc. You can find the original story here:


I wouldn't translate "body of work" as 一大堆作品 (a bunch of work) . this term is closer to 作品集 in my opinion. just for your reference.

Thanks for the correction! Sorry for the late reply, things have been a bit busy. I no longer see an edit option on the post but always welcome feedback on the translations, and in the future I will try and be more responsive so that I can edit something right away :-)

no problem! :) look at those bots that upvoted my reply! I think they follow you here. I know some bots follow to curate but didn't know they follow even to replies!! funny...

Whoa funny and weird! I knew some bots were following my posts but not my votes on replies...

I am going to try these instructions. I have been going through your work an I love your writing so much!

or what i call... PROOF OF WORK: @razvanelulmarin

Great post @alexc! Love how you present the concept of 'body of work'.

This is a really great post. I think all of us need to look at this as a long term strategy rather than a short term money making scheme. If you put out high quality work and continue to do it then you will develop a following and the rewards will eventually come. Even if Steemit itself fails the skills that you have learned will enable you to continue on elsewhere.

Fantastic points there, friend. Haha, that bit about the pretty girls I've noticed myself. But it's what you say nearer the close, about how drastically different this platform is from anything modern media has ever known. I remember hearing from an author once that "everyone has a book inside them". Looks like we've finally got a platform to encourage their coming out into the real world as well!

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