Two jokes, pigs and dogs / 两个笑话,猪和狗

in #cn-fishing8 years ago (edited)

The first joke, saying the pig, this is no ordinary pig, which is wild boar if I do not say, no one knows how the pig was caught, somebody say pig swimming, yes, I also witnessed pigs swim, but the pig is swimming technology is not good, fishermen captured.

第一个笑话,先说猪,这不是普通的猪,这是头野猪,如果我不说,没人知道,这头猪是怎样被抓到的, 有人说猪善于游泳,是的,我也亲眼见过猪游泳,但这头猪就是游泳技术不高,被渔民抓获的

The story is this, yesterday the fishermen set sail in the lake, far away saw a group of wild boar, swimming, they may want to travel from one island to another island, he opened a boat to catch up, which caught a wild boar tail, dragged slowly boat, caught it,Wild boar injured, he prepared to give the pig to eat the last meal




The second joke, when a dog is in heat,Its owner would like to help it Looking for a boyfriend,
If human beings, it should be love at first sight,But a two dogs meet,no love,They fight, Should not love each other,If not love each other, when first met, do not fight,Perhaps this is the dog's love




当一条狗正处在发情的时候,他的主人给狗找对象,如果是人类,应该会一见钟情,但这狗却不是,见了面,两条狗一顿大打出手,让这狗主人抓狂, 就算不爱对方,也不要一见面就打呀


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