
This far, every beet preparation I've found, including juicing; tastes like dirt.

You eat the beets, I'll eat the liver!


Haha! OK. Plus, I would rather eat dirt than liver.

Dirt...beets...dirt...beets...same difference, ROFLOL!

98% of cooks don't know how to cook it, so it's Real Real Bad! It's supposed to have a full onion for every piece of liver, then cover and cook slow.

Now I'm hungry, LOL!


Hee! It is not the way it is cooked for me. It is the substance itself. I don't want to eat an organ that filters blood wastes. Yuck. Plus, it tastes nasty. :-P

I don't eat it often, but I do enjoy it from time to time! The onions and the gravy on mashed potatoes, is a thing of beauty too.

BTW, it will freeze here 3 weeks early...did you send it? 😁😳 It will reach a record low tomorrow of 26 degrees F! It could be a hard winter....


We are having a long Autumn with temps above freezing. This is unusual for us. I saw the Farmer's Almanac claims a warm October means an extra cold February.

We'll freeze hard tonight, so we might have that hard winter; since it's so screwed up already! That doesn't sound 7a freezing before zone 2, that's pretty messed up.....


It all depends on which way the wind is blowing.

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