4 Recommended Actions to Fight Climate Change

in #climate7 years ago

Listen, climate change is happening and it's REAL.

With massive icebergs breaking off and wildfires burning thousands of hectares of land, we are surely entering a time when massive extinction is a possibility.

In fact, it is already underway so Earth, and all its inhabitants is screwed.

Colonizing another planet is far-fetched considering the latest admission from NASA that it can not afford to land humans on MARS. And even if the space agency gets the funding, could we actually live in MARS?

For now, let's take it as it is: it's just us and our Mother Earth. And our beloved planet is dying, and so are we. Sure we want our species to survive, but are we ready to act?

If we are, it is probably not too late.

image from pixabay

All we need to do is to cut individual carbon footprint to 2.1 metric tons per year by 2050. That is just to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. Sounds easy? Well, an average American has an estimated carbon footprint of 16.4 metric tons yearly.

So how are we going to do it? What needs to be done?

While things like conserving water, planting trees, or buying less packaging are popular in text books and government recommendations as climate change mitigation acts, scientists lamented that these actually are low-impact actions in fighting global warming and the best actions for reducing carbon pollution were mostly presented in a less effective form, or not at all.”

A study authored by Seth Waynes and Kimberly A. Nicholas revealed the 4 best things we could do to reduce our individual carbon footprint. Now, consider this 4 as modern day commandments necessary for humanity's earthly salvation and survival.


  • 1: Thou shall not eat meat!
    PETA agrees. Eating a plant-based diet saves an average of 0.8 metric tons of CO2 annually. 8 times better than upgrading your light bulbs. Bye bacon.

  • 2: Thou shall not fly!
    Only angels were given that privilege. Taking one fewer transatlantic flight will reduce your carbon footprint by 1.6 metric tons.

  • 3: Thou shall not take worldly possessions!
    Cars to be exact. Walk or bike your way to work. Ditching your cars will save you 2.4 metric tons of CO2 per year.

And lastly,

  • 4: Thou shall not multiply!
    A full reverse from God's instruction to multiply and replenish the earth. The study recommends to have one fewer child to save our planet 60 metric tons of CO2 per year.

What can you say folks? Can we do these?

Or are we all saying YOLO?

Don't miss my future posts! Follow Random Collective by @st3llar.


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