My @cleanplanet Sunday of 04.11.2018

in #cleanplanet6 years ago

Hey friends of the nature and supporters of @cleanplanet !

Yesterday I was on my clean Sunday trip in a little park here in Hamburg.

Because Sundays are my new @cleanplanet Sundays I had a bag with me to collect some garbage there.

Fortunately it turned out that the park was pretty clean but of course I have found some stuff.

Following my pictures of this journey into trashland in unsorted order:









It was pretty dark in the forrest but I think you can imagine my proudness :)

Please keep in mind that we borrowed this world from the next generations and we are living with other species here who are not producing trash ...

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I mean this is a wonderful sunday !
Congratulations @tibfox !
You are a great Steem-Cleaner ! And you accumulate points to earn clean tokens.
See you soon using cleanplanet tag !

Yeah it is :) A good reason to go out in the nature next to "going out in the nature" itself!
Thanks for providing this awsome project :)

@tibfox, great that you are a part of the @cleanplanet movement! At the moment I am at the SF3 talking with the founders of @cleanplanet.

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha thank you mate! Really cool that you are talking to them! Many greetings from Germany :D We need to make a cleanplanet walk on Sunday morning my friend :) ok?

Awesome to see that the park was so clean man.

Here in Greece,everywhere is so full of thrash.
Nice of you to upload eco-friendly posts dude.
@cleanplanet is an awesome project indeed.

Yeah it is and you should join my friend :) of there is so much work in Greece you could start the movement and perhaps someone will join! I am doing that now every sunday! Even in Krakow I am planing to go out for collecting some :P


I have delegated some SP in July if I remember correct man.
Yeah,I should also do a @cleanplanet post.
Great idea with great action.

Awesome :) delegation is honorable mate!

Super Idee! Aufm Land find ich's tatsächlich deutlich sauberer als in der Stadt. Und das, obwohl in der Stadt mehrmals die Woche eine Putzkolonne durchfährt.

Jau dank dir!
Hier kommt es auch auf den Stadtteil und die Stelle an. Wie z.b. in diesem Beitrag: in einem öffentlichen Park mit Waldstück war recht wenig Müll zu finden.
200m Luftlinie davon entfernt ist allerdings eine Hauptstraße mit verhältnismäßig viel Müll, da der Stadtteil Harburg doch eher "dreckig" ist.

Ich glaube, ich sollte mehr in das Urbane gehen und auf Wiesenstücken oder am Elbestrand aufräumen. Fortsetzung folgt :D

Great job buddy and also @cleanplanet also doing world changing work.thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely my friend!
Thanks for the comment and supporting the @cleanplanet project!

Peace !


Welcome buddy always with world changing work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right on, great work! Thank you for cleaning up the forest. :) You're brave to do it bare handed. I always do my litterwalks with gardening gloves on because some of the trash is so gross! LOL

Hahaha thanks! yeah I think the trash is laying around there and animals are also not using gloves so why should I use some
But honestly I am too lazy to think about gloves lol

Thanks for your comment and motivation!



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