💭Balcony Speech of @KALVAS | 🌏 Clean Planet 🌻

in #cleanplanet6 years ago (edited)

Merhaba takipçiler, Bu videoda Clean Planet organizasyonu hakkında konuştum. Sizleri de bu işe teşvik etmek için kısaca ne olduğunu özetlemeye çalıştım. Zaten aşağıya koyduğum afişten de ne yapmanız gerektiğini anlayabilirsiniz.

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Waluigi and Waaaah

by William Shakespeare

Enter Waluigi

Waaaah appears above at a window

Waluigi: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the Waaaah, and Waaaah is the Waah. Arise, Waaaaaah Waah, and Waaaaaaah the Waaah Wah. See, how they lean their Waaah upon their Waaaaaaaaah! O, that I were a glove upon that Waaaaaaaaah, That I might touch that Waaah!

Waaaah: O Waluigi, Waluigi! wherefore art thou Waluigi? What's in a name? That which we call a Waaaah By any other name would smell as Waaah. Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove Waaaaaah.

Waluigi: Noble, by yonder Waaah Wah I swear That tips Waaaaaaaah the Waah Waaaaaaaaah--

Waaaah: O, swear not by the Wah, the Waaah Wah, That Waaaaaah changes in its Waaaaaaaaah orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise Waaaaaaaaah. Sweet, Waaaaah night! A thousand times Waaaaah night! Parting is such Waaah sorrow, That I shall say Waaaaah night till it be morrow.

Exit above

Waluigi: Sleep dwell upon thy Waaah, peace in thy Waaaaaaaaah! Would I were sleep and peace, so Waaaah to rest! Wah will I to my Waaaaaah Waaaah's cell, Its help to Waaaaaaah, and my Waaah Waaaah to tell.

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