😈vs😇 #BadPublicityVsGoodPublicity (427)05/03/2019

in #cleanplanet6 years ago

Keep Calm and Clean the Planet:

Day 427 of my personal #challenge


Dia 427 de mi #desafio personal.


This is a personal challenge, every day I'm collecting at least one bag of trash.
My dream is : one day thousands of people will follow and with a simple act, we could clean the planet.
As soon as I will reach 1000 dollars, first I will give away money to an environmental association to protect the Mangrove swamp in Cancun, then I will organize little events in schools, giving away @steem, @cleanplanet t-shirt end gadget to go and clean the streets with the kids.

Este es un desafío personal, todos los días estoy recogiendo al menos una bolsa de basura.
Mi sueño es: algún día miles de personas lo seguirán y con un simple acto podríamos limpiar el planeta.
Tan pronto como llegue a los 1000 dólares, primero daré dinero a una asociación ambiental para proteger el manglar en Cancún, despues organizaré pequeños eventos en las escuelas, regalaré unas playeras de @steem, @cleanplanet y unos aparatos para ir a limpiar las calles con los niños.

#Bad634 (1).jpg

#Bad634 (2).jpg


Mission accomplished!👍 ¡Misión cumplida!👍🙃



Thanks to you, having me upvoted yesterday:😉
Gracias a los que me han votado ayer:🤩

… y 6 más


Great @ale6grande !
Happy to see your regularity !
Today we have a problem because we are waiting for whales support but they don't see us.
We must adapt our upvote for all the community which grow and grow every day
You are a great Man

Do not worry. Thanks @clenaplanet guys you are doing a great job. I'm not doing this for the money. Of course I can wait to get 1000 dollar because I want to accomplish my goal... Give it away. To an organization that is involved in environemental porpouse. And also use part of the money to promote the environment spirit giving lessons about my experience to children. Keep going guys...

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