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RE: Looking to buy ad or sponsor

in #classifieds7 years ago

You're a genius! Can't believe all the good ideas we are able to come out with by putting all of ​​our heads together!

Yes, let's exchange advertising! I would be willing to add a pocketbook advertisement at the end on my next MLS Contest. I could prepare one to be added to your post(s) too.

My suggestion would be to charge each other regarding the number of views (the number beside the small eye at the ​bottom right of the post) the post generates after 7 days, let's say. Or base on another period of time. And/or maybe with a fixed basic price to ensure a bottom fee.


Great ideas. Its hard to really put a base price cause steemit votes vary from 0 to $100 a vote.
I hit up a cpl sports bloggers with the idea and never heard back. They get like 50 replys and probably busy so i tried this. As i said i try new things. Create my own spins and try n help everyone. Lets definitely work on this. I say you run this if you want. Ill be your first customer!! Im overloaded trying to get PocketBook going!

That's why I think upvoting has nothing to do with advertising. I believe it's the views (which would be counted as the number of clicks on the internet) that should count for an advertisement on Steemit. Let's take the last MLS contest post. It has already been viewed 53 times.

Let say it ends up at 60 views at the time of the post's payout and that I charge you 50 POCKET per view, plus a 200 POCKET as a basic fee for my trouble and the post-7 day's views it could get. You pay me the 200 POCKET at the beginning of the ad and I would charge you 3,000 POCKET after seven days for a grand total of 3,200 POCKET.

What do you think? Want to try with my next MLS contest post which should come out tomorrow? Just send me the text for your ad in a private Discord message or to discuss the fine details (the price, the ​period of time, etc.) if you have a counter-proposal.

Do you like​ the ad?

If so, I'll gladly take my 200 POCKET for the basic fee and advise you to stack ( at least ) an additional 550 POCKET under the mattress 'cause the post is already at 11 views! ;-)

If not, don't hesitate to ask for corrections. :-)

Couldn't have done better myself. I sent it as a reply under your contest. Thanks man!! Looking good!!!

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