Curating Music History: Children's Corner (Debussy)

in #classical-music6 years ago

Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) was the best known proponent of the French Impressionist style of music composition, with the other most famous name being Ravel. Like the Impressionist paintings that had the similar visual style and influence, the Impressionist works of music aim to portay a visual scene or object without clear cut lines and employing an almost hazy filter over the entire scene.

Debussy was quite heavily influenced by Eastern music and Jazz, which led to a unique style of orchestration and composition which was not really taken up by other composers of his generation.

"Impression, soleil levant" by Monet (1872)

The Children's Corner is a set of six short pieces for piano solo, which were dedicated to Debussy's daughter, Claude-Emma, who was known by the nickname "Chou-Chou". Despite the name, the pieces were not written as pieces to be played by children, rather, they were written as pieces that were inspired by childhood and in some cases, the toys that were in her daughter's collection of toys.

The names of the individual pieces are:

  1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
  2. Jimbo's Lullaby
  3. Serenade for the Doll
  4. The Snow is Dancing
  5. The Little Shepherd
  6. Golliwogg's Cakewalk

The Performers

The pianist for this performance is the German pianist Benjamin Moser. I'm afraid that I know next to nothing about him, however I do enjoy this performance of the Children's Corner collection. I hope you also will enjoy it!

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Despite the name, the pieces were not written as pieces to be played by children

Thank you for that clarification! You saved me a great deal of frustration as my beginner piano skills would have probably failed me pretty miserably had I tried these 😂

Ha, it is a common misunderstanding of the title! Some of the pieces are easier, but some not so much...

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I always feel classier when I read (and listen) to your posts - not an easy thing to do to a person who grew up on the streets (me).

Thank you.

Namaste, my friend.

Thanks! Where you grow up doesn't determine what you can learn! Many grow up in privilege, but have no hunger to learn!

This is a cool selection. Played it for the kid and he loved it. He was dancing around punching the air. Said the music was bad guys, heh.

Ha ha! Funny kid! Glad he liked it though!

I (shamefully) have not delved into Debussy as much as I should - I didn't even know he did a Children's series! I remember as a kid I was into the really epic stuff - apparently I had Peter and the Wolf on repeat. I have a feeling my kiddo is similar in taste, though I have yet to really force orchestral music upon her. I'll give this a go for sure!

Our oldest was really into ballet music, having the dancing on YouTube also helped. She would happily sit through an entire basket, completely entranced. The younger one is a different kettle of fish...

oh good call! My kiddo did sit through 75% of a video performance of the SF Ballet doing the nutcracker, but that was two christmases ago. I should try that again!

It is beautiful. For me it is the first time that I hear this music, and I really like it. Thanks for sharing!

No problem! It is enjoyable and quite interesting music to listen to! Happy to have introduced you to it!

Very fine impressionist paintings.

Yes, Impressionist paintings are quite caking to look at, and it is possible to see the connections between the visual style and the music.

Thank you for sharing @bengy!!! 🎼

Havent't read the post yet but I'm enjoying Debussy which is quite relaxing while drawing 💙

I'll read your post later 😉

I wonder if different music that you listen to will affect your drawing! Did the artwork look a bit like Monet?

Very beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I learned something today. :D

That makes it a good day!

I Love it and like it..Definitely is it beautiful. It doesn't look as hard as it sounds but believe me.
I'm playing it right now and it still gives me a headache thinking about all the annoying things I had to overcome but it is a very beautiful and melodic piece.

Ha ha, that's the trick... Making it sound easy!

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