Truth, Santa Claus, and Honesty in Parenting

in #christmas7 years ago

Here we are, approaching another Christmas, and I am reminded of the fact that many children do believe in Santa, and their parents are encouraging this belief in falsehood. Is this really healthy?

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I have been aware of Santa Claus for as long as I can remember, but I never believed he existed as he is typically presented to children. I think I always knew Christmas gifts were from my parents other distant relatives, and never had that "moment of truth" realizing Santa was a myth. As such, I never had to deal with realizing my parents had lied to me about something so significant to a youngster.

As an adult, I have a deep appreciation for legends, lore, mythology, and fantasy. It's not as if I became an anti-holiday Grinch who insists on a clinical cold scientific perspective toward everything, and dismiss everything outside that. I don't think I lost out on some nebulous "childlike wonder" by not being a childhood believer in the Santa myth. I do think I am better off as an adult after never being brought up by parents who knowingly and intentionally taught me this lie, though.

I am not a parent myself, at least not yet, so I know this may come off as someone who does not own a dog trying to tell a dog owner how to train Fido. Still, you don't need to own a dog to know that beating it is bad, you don't need to be a parent to consider the ramifications of intentional deception; and while a critic of someone else's pet training has never been a dog, I have been a child. Honesty is always the best policy, especially with those under your care, right?

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Granted, I grew up in Denmark, not in the US... but I never grew up with the illusion that Santa Claus was a "real" thing. He was known as "the Christmas Man" but I never saw him as anything but a symbol of Christmas and gifts and such... he didn't have a "life of his own," but he WAS a powerful symbol that merry/happy time was close at hand. Like you, I never had a "moment of truth" to deal with.

Is that good, bad or indifferent? I sincerely don't know...

I do not know if it's good or bad. But on the other hand, I know a fat man with a mustache who dresses in red and promised to give adults free things... things did not end well...

For my part, I was raised as a child with the belief that if I did not behave well, I would not receive gifts from "Christ Child", since in Catholic-Spanish-speaking countries there is no "Santa Claus", but a young Jesus who for some reason gives gifts to children.

That strikes me as a slight against Christ to turn Him into a dispenser of annual behavior bribery.

Maybe... here they say that Santa Claus is an invention with a purely materialistic purpose. Although I still do not understand why Christ gives gifts...?

Great stuff. I went through this conundrum last year, and decided to tell my child the truth. Luckily, when I asked him, he already knew it.

Do you think Santa is really real, buddy?

*sly smile


Leaving children for as long as possible to entertain 'magic' only stimulates their imaginations, - and that is never bad.

I think putting too much emphasis on thinking children growing up that lying is acceptable- due to a Christmas, fun time holiday- is perhaps a little bit insulting to children's intelligence!

Most people I grew up with never really believed the whole santa thing either, tbh.

Here's a thought....

Maybe children go along with the whole santa thing - just to indulge their parents!


I fear you misunderstood my argument. I don't think kids knowing that Santa is a myth stunts imagination. I didn't say it teaches kids that lying is acceptable. I said it teaches kids that the people they trust the most will lie to them intentionally. That can't be healthy for a child's psyche.

No, I never misunderstood your point.

I'm just saying that maybe children can tell the difference between what is a fun exercise once a year, and the malicious effects of a willful deception to gain advantage over others.

I don't think it teaches that the people you trust the most will lie to you.

Maybe it teaches kids that the people you trust the most, like to enjoy having fun with you, and making you happy...?

They are not stupid. (obviously this precludes so called 'education, then they become stupid. lol)

Taking things too seriously is never good. (zero joy in society being a cultural marxist wet dream)

Laughing is always good.

Joy is always good.

I think this practice is healthy, I call it a white lie that seeks to exploit the innocence of the children of the house and produce that festive joy of the date itself. A family share and a gift to remember.
In my country, Venezuela is the tradition of the baby Jesús in his manger where on December 24 just at midnight the child is placed holy in the manger next to María and José. It is beautiful activity for the family union of the moment.
When I was very young and you could say that I had a good memory, I discovered my father take out the toys of his old Chevette and with that I discovered the truth but I did not let this hurt me and I kept believing in the baby Jesús because it made me feel happy and It was something that could not be on the other days of the year.
That's why I think it's good.

I myself Dont believe in Santa. but in the idea of Santa. I dont see Santa as a man who gives gifts to children. but as a symbol of the spirit of Giving. which is what Christmas is all about to me. Giving.

Hi, I love your thoughts. I gave it an upvote of 100 percent. I was inspired to do a post on a side topic - hope you come see it, as the muse behind it. @jacobtothe

If Santa is the way that parents can teach their children about Saint Nicholas, that's a good thing as long as kids understand the truth. Santa is a fictional representation of a generous man who gave money to those in need. The whole idea of the North Pole makes no sense to me, or elves, flying reindeers, and a sleigh.

Generosity is an important value and Santa is a good way to introduce kids to that idea.

Nice post upvote me also upvote u leave the comment @ksrinu445

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