Patriots self help guide to spiritual happiness... #1

in #blog7 years ago

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"..........If you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing out on the joke....."

Always remember that.
And to change your underwear regularly. This can also be very important.


Self-awareness is a very important part to being self aware. This is a Fact.

We do not become conscious - or self-aware in other words – unless we are awake. This is also a well known fact.

Self awareness is a long process that a person goes through for their entire lives.
It tends to happen the most when we wake up every morning.

Or after an afternoon nap.

I like naps. (this is also a fact, but it's not nearly as important)

Self-awareness includes the ability to recognize yourself, of who you are.
A mirror (or any reflective surface, really.), will confirm this to you.


If you read about the thousands of successful stories of entrepreneurs and businessmen. Stop it.
This will only depress you.
Have a nap instead..

If you want to achieve the same kind of success as they have - do not focus on self help books – repeat -do not focus on self help books - just do the crappy, soul destroying, hard work they did.

Meditating to the universe for hours on end and hoping , does not to work nearly as often as working 12 hour days, 7 days a week, for 35 years.

Success just does not fall out of the sky, no matter how long you meditate (or unless a helicopter crashes right next to you, without causing any injury, and is FULL of money.)

This event is very unlikely to happen, however - and I would highly recommend to not perusing this it as strategy for having loads of cash.

When we are not self-aware.... we tend to run into doors a lot. (and various other obstacles)
Or we can trip over a lot.
You always end up trying to pull people down with you when you are not self aware..grabbing onto them, as you crash to the floor.

Being self-aware makes you have your own ideas. Yet another fact!
( 'I think I will open that door, before trying to go through it', for example)

For some people having a lot of money is success, but for others it can be owning five or six houses.
It's exactly the same thing, so don't worry about it.
It's all about wealth accumulation.

Success is basically an ego trip in disguise.


Some people even dream of being healthy and happy. Seriously... they do.

This is a very boring dream.
There are much more exciting dreams.

I would suggest eating some really strong pungent cheese and onions, an hour before bedtime.
This is is not a good idea if you plan a night of passion. (With anyone other than yourself.)

It can make you have some mad, crazy ZZ'zzzzzz's, however. !!!!

People achieve their goals in different ways.

The vast majority people don't achieve their goals at all.

So don't beat yourself up about it, honestly.

It's fine. Have a nap.

We cannot achieve success by creating hatred or by envying others – unless your definition of success is hating and envying others.
We are all different and success is subjective.

Don't let any self help books tell you otherwise.

In part 2 of 'Patriots self help ', we will explore how self awareness doesn't stop you from still making mistakes in your life...

It does allow you to cover your tracks much much better, though...



And to change your underwear regularly.

Yeah... I remember my grandmother saying that to me.

"How will you feel if you get run over and you've not changed your underwear?"

Apart from the fact that it's a good possibility that one will soil oneself in the event of such an accident, I answered with:

"How will I feel? I'll probably feel flat, grandma... run over... and flat."


LOL! totally agree :D

Love it!

Just take a nap, already ;)

lol - there isn't much seriousness coming out of me at the moment. lol

oh, you picked the wrong province, btw. lol (not that it matters much, sob sob)

It's fine. Have a nap.

The best advice ever!


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