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RE: [ Mission: Agua-Possible ] We're sending Edgar $15 USD in Steem to buy WATER for his family this Christmas!

in #christmas5 years ago

Does that mean something to you? Because it means little/nothing to anyone else. Is there a point to your gibberish, and does it have anything to do with water? Don't comment here again unless you have something reality-based and on-topic to add.


Gibberish? 😎

It's not surprising, to me, that the ethical aspect is beyond your conprehension, @drutter, but surely even you can't miss the irony that Edgar would be able to buy the part for his pump locally, at market value, if it were not for the sanctions by the US who he thanks in his quote earlier in this thread.

Water related enough for you? 😉

Well then, you don't know me at all, because I live my life by morality more than pretty much anyone else around. So why should I listen to anything else you have to say about me?
Wow, your entire issue is that you believe Edgar has made a bad political decision at some point, by supporting the US? Even if that were true, why are you railing here? How would a bad political decision in the past (if that's even true) mean we shouldn't be helping his family get running water flowing again? Do politics really come before the basic necessities of life?
You're the one whose ethics appear in question here. Just stop.

How would a bad political decision in the past (if that's even true) mean we shouldn't be helping his family get running water flowing again?

Because he, and the political ideology of his ilk, would want to undo the gains for the average Venezuelan which the Bolivarian Revolution brought for them. Please don't speak of it like some high school indiscretion. He was known to be at a rally as little as 11 months ago.

Do you think he does not understand English enough to read these comments and recant his ideology leanings and explain what drove him to support the usurper, Guaidó?

The elite Venezuelans run from this challenge on The Chain. This thread, alone, has brought more mutes by them against my account. Not one word of defence, because there is none. They know the ideology can only be explained by privilege.

One of a host of issues that the average Venezuelan must now deal with is the fact that they can no longer get all the drugs and medical supplies that may be required to heal themselves because of the sanctions he and his ilk support. People are dieing as a direct result of his ideology while you toil so he won't have to carry a bucket of water or set up a rain barrel.

@novacadian First of all I am apolitical but I do not agree with this mature regime, since my country is in the worst years of its history, if we talk about corructs, what more corrections do you want than that of this Bolivarian regime that ended everything , that the salaries do not reach that every day the government takes out new things to wash the brain of many mediocre people that by receiving bonds in a card of the country with that you think that it is enough while mature laughs at all of them, here what really The government must realize it is from the health sector, and the food that every Venezuelan has to buy their food, you do not know what is good for this mature regime, maybe you @novacadian is a sponsor beyond country of the government because if you do not live here what we live but believe in all that the government says and publishes the best, I invite you or pass me phone numbers to see a situation that my wife lived in the central hospital From my new state of Sparta, 25 children were hospitalized in neonatal intensive care in less than 10 days and all this because there are no supplies to attend them and parents are those creatures do not have how to calculate the medications that are needed to administer daily, there is no air conditioning in the area the bacteria proliferated throughout the area and contagion to all those children that the government should not be aware of the traffic they do and everything they have destroyed. otherwise I don't have a boat to fish, I wish I had a boat I had it producing and there was no need for water because I had already solved the submersible pump of my land.

Parece que no entiendes el significado de apolítico, Edgar. Quien es apolítico no suele asistir a protestas políticas. Una persona apolítica probablemente no agradecería a un gobierno externo por imponer sanciones excesivas a su propio país en la medida en que le resulte difícil encontrar suministros médicos y todos los demás elementos que luego se queja de no poder encontrar en su comentario anterior . Si eso no fuera suficiente, también agradece a la OEA por apoyar al usurpador, Juan Guaidó, sobre el Presidente Munduro legalmente elegido. Eres dillusional, mal informado o mentiroso. Independientemente de cuál de ellos sea, usted es una cosa segura y eso es político.

lea nuestra constitución para que tenga base de lo que dices, ya que nuestra constitución dice en su articulo 68 que todo ciudadano y ciudadana tienen derecho a la protesta pacifica y sin armas a las cosas mal hecha de cualquier gobierno.y yo considero que el gobierno de turno esta haciendo todo mal y los hechos están por las investigaciones relazadas por la comisionada de loa derechos humano de la ONU, o es que acaso usted no ha leído el informe de dicho institución, por que no te vienen a vivir a Venezuela para que tengas bases de defender lo indefendible o es que acaso eres uno mas de los patrocinadores pagados por el gobierno para hablar maravillas de la triste realidad de mi país.,. por favor hable con base y lo invito a que venga a mi país y vea en lo que lo han convertido tu gobierno revolucionario.

Suenas más político con cada comentario que haces. No está mal para un tipo que dice ser apolítico. 😎

yo no pertenezco a ningún tipo de partido político, solo que hay que protestar y salir a la calle cuando no se esta de acuerdo con las cosas MAL HECHAS, LO INVITO NUEVAMENTE A VENEZUELA PARA QUE TENGAS BASES DE LO QUE crea en el poco de tonterías que dice maduro el pone las fotos bonitas del país pero la realidad la ocultan amigo.. no es malo ser político, malo es ser un político corrupto.

I think you're wrong that Edgar is trying to undo gains for the average Venezuelan. You have nothing to back that up.

Same with your claim that Edgar owns a pleasure craft or lives on a plantation. Back it up or shut up.

You're upset people are muting you? I'm surprised I haven't! Your comments are garbage, dude. You're angry about something, clearly, but you can't articulate yourself beyond making baseless claims and spouting convoluted veiled accusations - using the most inappropriate vocabulary choices as you can come up with. Weasel words, loose associations, logical fallacies galore.

You're concerned Venezuelans are going without? Funny, a few months ago you were almost off your rocker with rage, screaming at me that Venezuela isn't in a crisis, that food is on the shelves, that the economy isn't as bad as they're claiming, that the crisis is fake news. Now you're upset people can't get supplies? But trying to stop a small neighborhood getting a water pump for their aquifer?

You're an idiot who doesn't know he's an idiot, but has more STEEM than most people around here, so nobody can do anything about you.

If you didn't have so much STEEM you'd have been voted off the island by now, loser. Get stuffed.

You're an idiot...

Time to go personal? Then allow me to leave you with this final thought, as my work is done here.

I live my life by morality more than pretty much anyone else around. - @drutter

You gained financial rewards from the degradation of women on the blockchain. There's a special name for men like you.

Morality my arse!

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