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RE: Why Atheism? Very quick overview.

in #christianity7 years ago


I'm not sorry about your atheism. It's a choice. Everything in life is a choice. What we believe, how we live, what our values are in life.

I get the "fire insurance" way of thinking. It sounds like that was kind of they way your may have been raised/taught. Accept Christ and be saved from the fires of hell. You are right, nobody likes bullies.

I get what you are saying in regards to the bible not providing the answers. It can be confusing, and contradictory, left to itself. Let alone, where do you start. It can be a bit overwhelming.

I can completely understand that, as an atheist, what we are, where we came from, why we are here, or what happens after we die.

I kind of wondered the same thing earlier in life. That life consisted of going to school, graduating, getting married, having children, working a job until age 65, retire, waiting to die. There had to be more to life, something of substane, significance.

You said, "I would wager that some of these biblical characters or authors (if based on real people) used their special relationship with an all-powerful (conveniently invisible) deity to improve conditions in their own mortal life."

I think the other way around, God, due to these people drawing near to him, wanting to understand life, to have a purpose, answered their appeals to Him. With His assistance, which He promises, they end up having improved conditions. I think honestly more than anything, is that regardless of what a person faces, knowing that God is with them, they are able to deal with the challenges that life throws at them. I used to seek happiness, yet realized it was like a butterfly that flits up and down. Now, I have peace of mind, and that is gold. I'll take peace of mind over happiness any day! :) Not that I don't desire happiness, but it's not what I seek. I truly seek a daily relationship with God.

In closing, it is interesting to hear your view and insights from an atheist's position on what you believe the bible is basically made up of. It's easy to see how you would believe that it's not fact, if it is based upon what you stated.

I hope and pray that someday you will find out who you are, where you came from, why you are here, and what happens when you die.

Warmest Regards,



Thanks Wes. That was a really well-rounded argument.

We disagree on this though:

God, due to these people drawing near to him, wanting to understand life, to have a purpose, answered their appeals to Him. With His assistance, which He promises, they end up having improved conditions.

So so many believers have died or suffered in misery despite believing. Some put their lives in the hands of god, believing things will just work out for the best. Often, without concerted effort, they'll bumble along until they die with no real success or security or even peace of mind. My stint as a 'believer' was to be in fear for my soul, no peace of mind. Now, I'm okay to just live.

Peace of mind. I'm with you on that. I too have peace of mind now. I love my family and my friends and work towards us all enjoying a great life together. That gives me lots of comfort.

It's great that you also have peace of mind.

Thanks for your hopes and prayers. Maybe I'll discover these things, maybe not. We'll see.

Best wishes
Anj :)


I really appreciate your response.

I would like to counter something you said, or maybe food for thought.....

So many unbelievers (atheists) have died or suffered in misery despite not believing. Some put their lives in their own hands, their own wisdom, believing, perhaps better said, hoping that things will work out for the best. Often, without concerted effort, they'll bumble along until they die with no real success or security or peace of mind.

So the issue isn't whether believing in God or not will grant you a better life, more security, more prosperity, etc.

There is more to this God / Creator than probably any of us really know. He Himself said, "My ways are not your ways." Ain't that the truth. :)

The "improvement" is based upon a relationship with God. Any relationship is good only due to the cooperation between the two parties involved. It is that unspoken bond between people or between God and Man that provides the peace of mind, true peace.

I value the discussion we had today. Thanks.

Hiya Wes

Thanks. I like the discussion too.

Yes, you're totally right. Humans (regardless of their belief status) have suffered or prospered.

More to god than we know: I think that can be said of any fictional character, especially the mysterious, ever-shifting types. God's ways aren't very consistent if you read through the Bible. One minute he's all-loving, the next minute he's slaughtering the entire animal kingdom. Relationships with beings like that are not the most stable.

Anj :)

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