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RE: Did Jesus Claim Diety?

I need to make a fresh branch here because the display is getting a bit stretched.

Doug, you said the following:

This has nothing to do with Islam, so there's no reason to bring that up. It's a distraction from the topic.

It has everything to do with Islam, as Islam is nothing more than the finest of Christian Heresy. You don't appear to be sufficiently grounded in the heresies of the early Church, and exactly why councils (of bishops) were called in order to codify the most fundamental aspects of the faith.

I also did not say that Jesus was merely a man. You seem to not understand the who the Messiah is.

Yes, messiah, christ, and anointed one all mean the same thing, sure. But what do they mean to YOU? If Jesus was not "born of the Father before all ages", as the Christian creed says, but he was somehow special, anointed messiah at some point in his life, you need to understand that you are professing nothing more than an early christian heresy, Arianism. You repeat that you are just going back to the beginning, to the primitive Church, but surely you must realize that the primitive Church fought for centuries against the heresy that you are espousing.

You are all over the place on this post, slow down a little and try to stay on topic. Let's take this one step at a time. I would say that the entire Bible shows that the Father is God alone. I believe this is easily confirmed. If you are a Catholic then we do not share the same faith and there is no point in debating.

This is pretty rich. People are trying to help you realize that it is YOU who have separated yourself from 2000 years of continuous christian tradition, and you then say that you might as well not debate with Catholic thinking because you are so far from it. You do not appear to realize that the differences between all the Christian denominations are basically nothing compared to the unbridgeable gulf that you are standing on the other side of. Christians, by definition believe in the Holy Trinity, as codified in the Nicean Creed. You can't claim to be a different faith than just the catholics. You have to include the orthodox and protestants, because essentially all believe the same thing, compared to the heresy that you believe.

I have to come back to one question though, because you use the Bible alone (sola scriptura) to make your arguments.

  • Why do you use the Bible at all? Who told you to put all your faith in it? Nowhere in the Bible does it say to only use the Bible. In fact, in several places, it teaches men to use the scriptures but also the traditions handed down.

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