Man of God

in #christianity7 years ago

The Traits for a Man of God
Definition on for a Man of God

  1. A Clergyman
  2. A devout or holy person, such as a saint or prophet
    So the dictionary can paint a picture of the traits of a Man of God is to look like, but what does the bible say traits of a Man of God are? Below are some traits that I feel God sees a Man of God having.

The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear
2 Timothy 1:7 - for what the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline

Confidence or trust in a person or thing, Belief in God or in the doctrines of teachings of religion
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see

The act or practice of obeying; being in dutiful or submissive compliance
1 Chronicles 21:19 – So David went up in obedience to the word God had spoken in the name of the Lord
Another example would be Jesus asking for the cup to be taken from him, but still said “not my will but your will be done”

A modest or low view of one's own importance
Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, Rather in humility value others above yourself

A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life

Now lets look at some great Men of God from the Bible with these traits.

David – Fought and killed a superior enemy who happened to be a fully armed Giant and David defeated his enemy with stones and a sling, trusted god completely and did as god commanded, He danced before the Lord with all of his might in celebration of the Ark coming to Jerusalem. David showed Courage, Faith, Obedience and Love

Elijah – Defied King Ahab, Queen Jezebel and 900 prophets of BAAL and ASHERAH, He hid approximately 100 prophets in the wilderness to avoid them from being killed by Queen Jezebel. He challenged an entire nation and their god(s) to a fight and through the true and living God he won, he then ordered the killing of BAAL’s prophets in a show of complete victory. Elijah showed Faith, Courage, Obedience and Love

Noah - Built an Ark as directed by God, despite ridicule on him and his family
Noah displayed Obedience, Courage, and Faith

John the Baptist – Took risks some good and some bad, John was the messenger, preparing the way for Jesus John’s life was a complete display of Humility, Faith, Courage, Obedience and Love

Gideon – (starts in Judges 6) Trusted God and sought his direction in everything, eventhough he was fearful and he had to endure the unbelief of others (soldiers), Yet despite is unbelief and fearfulness he went in to battle being outnumbered and soundly defeated the Midianites. God still used Gideon because his heart was open and available. Gideon displayed Courage, Faith, Humility, and Obedience

So we have five guys which the bible records their great acts of faith and courage, etc . These five are a good and small example of what a Man of God can and should be, But the bible also records their downfalls

Weaknesses of these men:
David: Womanizer, Lustful, Committed Adultery, Committed Murder,
Elijah: Suffered from depression and was fearful
Noah: It does not state in his story, but he may have questioned what he was doing, as building the ark took years (over a 100) to build, A good chance he was doubtful at times.
John: Nothing really mentioned, He was a risk taker (not all risk is godly) and seen as rude by others (he called the Pharisees and Sadducees a brood (or family) of vipers as they were approaching him while he was baptizing people. Because vipers are venomous, John was calling the religious leaders “deadly serpents.” It’s quite a bold denunciation—and one Jesus later repeated to the Pharisees (in Matthew 12:34.)
Gideon: Fearful, Doubted God’s calling, Thought his own inadequacies were too great for God to use him

Gentlemen (and ladies)…… God still uses those that deem themselves useless or unworthy, God still uses those that society has written off, God still uses those that are far from perfect. Let me tell you with all certainty God is not finished with you. God has not forgotten you. God can and will use you if you allow him to, but chances are it won’t be on your terms or time.
See even some of the greatest Men in history had hang ups, and shady pasts God still used them, God does not care about your past, God does not count your weaknesses, he looks for one thing, He looks at your heart. If a man’s mind and/or body is weak but his heart is willing then he pleased and he says “yes I can use you”. He then takes your strengths and amplifies your strengths through his strength and through his grace to overcome any situation you may have that you maybe opposed in.

Roman 8: 28- 32 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.31 what, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Now each man (young and old) needs to go to God (daily) about his own weaknesses and ask for God’s strength and grace and seek his forgiveness (if needed) and learn to walk and talk with God every single day. Only with God’s grace and strength can a man of god move through each day with what (strength, wisdom, and discernment) he requires. When you do this and truly press into God he will make changes in you. To the older guys, you must come alongside the younger guys and walk with them, Share your life experiences with them and show or explain how God has worked in your life. To the younger guys, you have to let the older guys come along side and share some of their life experiences with you, let your pride down and let then speak into your lives.
If there is any verse in the bible that instructs us as men how to walk and act it is this verse (again this is for both young and old):

.Micah 6:8 “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

What is stopping the man of God today
The enemy uses many tools to slow and kill a Man of God’s spirit:
Alcohol, Career Progression, Pornography, Divorce, Stress, Feminism, Finances
But in my opinion the foundation (or root) to most of these inflictions, tools etc. is the spirit of control
Otherwise known as the spirit of Jezebel

Address the Spirit of Jezebel
What is it: It is a spirit of control?
Where does it come from: Most notably from Queen Jezebel 1 Kings (Chapters 16, 18, 19)
In the Hebrew, the name Jezebel means literally "without cohabitation". The spirit will not live or "cohabit" with those it cannot dominate and control. It will have no equals. Control is what the Jezebel spirit wants more than anything. Even when this spirit appears to be submissive, it is usually out of a carefully thought out plan to gain influence and control.
Jezebel likes to appear close to leaders, and use their influence. It likes to use the power and influence of others to accomplish its goals and control its environment. In 1 Kings 21:8 we read ”Jezebel wrote letters in King Ahab’s name and sealed them with his seal, and sent them to the elders and nobles of the city." This is typical of Jezebel.
Jezebel’s greatest enemy is true spiritual authority. As Jezebel opposed Elijah, so the Jezebel spirit today opposes righteous authority. In its heart, it despises all moral authorities and wants those authorities remained concealed in the background, while it manipulates situations and leaders.

The Jezebel spirit in the Church
The Jezebel spirit often manifests within the most "spiritual" people you will ever meet. In the Church, the Jezebel spirit will first attempt to get close to the pastor or other leaders with flattery. It will attempt to gain their confidence. It may call itself a prophetess or a prophet" and often manipulates others with its spirituality. (Talk about being asked to tone down your worship)
While that spirit often claims to have inspired messages, (it "calls itself a prophetess" according to Rev 2:20), it usually discourages other prophetic voices unless they are under its control. It will attempt to cause leaders to be suspicious of true prophetic messengers, who bear the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Speak about you experience’s in witnessing the attack on friends)
Show example in the bible: 1 Kings 18 + 19
For seven years, God had carefully protected Elijah. God fed him in the wilderness. When Ahab’s armies sought to kill Elijah, they were unable to lay a finger on him.
Finally, in a showdown at Mt. Carmel, Elijah calls down fire from heaven and resoundingly defeated and killed the priests of Baal. All Israel fell at his feet in repentance to God, worshipping the only true and living God. Elijah was the man of the hour. He was vindicated, victorious, and clearly in charge Nevertheless, when Queen Jezebel sent Elijah a single threat, he suddenly turned coward and fled to the desert. Anxious, depressed, and miserable, he begged God to kill him!
Think about this. It makes NO sense. Elijah enjoyed supernatural protection and provision for seven years. He called down and watched fire fall from heaven and defeat his enemies, He ordered a nation to capture and kill the prophets of BAAL. Yet when a single angry woman threatened him one time, he lost all vision, identity and courage that God had given him and ran away. He moaned in self-pity and he became depressed, begging for death
This is a great example of Jezebel’s powerful demonic "anointing" to intimidate, create fear, and cause Men of God to withdraw to become scared and flee. Jezebel will steal your vision. Jezebel will even make you anxious and scared when there is nothing significantly different in your circumstances. This spirit will tell you, your circumstance(s) are insurmountable; they’re impossible, and overwhelming. Jezebel will make you feel like giving up, walking away when in reality, you are God’s man of the hour and he has given you what you need to do battle and fight.

Where are you man of God, Where are you son of the most high God?
Will you get off the spiritual sideline and step into your god appointed position you have been called for as the head of your house of your family and the spiritual covering for your family? Will you step into the spiritual arena and be prepared to do battle with the forces and principalities of evil, for your family and for your god and for his bride (church).


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