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RE: Quote of the Day: Not the Spirit of Fear But of Power, Love, & A Sound Mind | 2 Tim. 1:7 | We Never Know Who May Need This Today ( or the replies in this post too. )

in #christianity7 years ago

nice post lovely motivational post. i post inspirational and motivational post too check it out


What’s so nice about it? What is so lovely about it? You are not even being an engaging comment other than trying to promote your own self in other people’s comment sections by claiming its similar so therefore it must be ok to spam my link everywhere.

Everyone on this platform starts off at 25 reputation. You are currently at 21. Perhaps you should evaluate your approach in how you engage your conduct in other people’s comment sections. They are not SOUNDING BOARDS to promote your own content unless asked for.

Simply posting links on other people’s content that you find similar without adding any value in that content is not a smart way to go about it.

Usually on very rare occasion that I do share my own link in someone’s comment section it was either ask for by the author or I’ve been a contributing member of that community for a while now. My reason warranted creating a post out of it while also still contributing to the original content I posted it on.

i am very sorry never knew it was wrong, it will never happen again, i am new to steemit please accept my apology.

I really do hope you mean that. It is always sad when people make a couple of mistakes and then they choose to not come back to Steemit.

More times than not they just lie to try and regain reputation and then do it all over again weeks from now.

Like anything else in life it takes: time, dedication, and sacrifice to make it. Far too many people come to Steemit with dollar signs in their eyes thinking they will make a quick buck. This platform is far from that in most cases.

While rebuilding reputation from being drop below 25 sucks many people have done it before. I wish you luck in finding your place here in the Steemit eco system while also respecting it for what it is. An opportunity to improve other peoples life.

@enjar for Un-President!!!


Note the hyphen, I did not mean to suggest we want you as president of the corrupt UN


Just got back in the house from dealing with more bureaucratic crap in my life today

Man, you need to make a meme up with this on it since you have to say it so much, think of all the typing it would save you dude!


Not really kidding on that actually.

I been thinking similar as I have type out a couple today. Then I would become the spam I hate so much! Oh the irony.

Whenever I get around to it I’ll just make a blog about it. Maybe even have some memes since I have not had a meme in a while. Far behind atm on content though it would be a while lol.

noted and thanks a lot.

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