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RE: Why Atheism? Very quick overview.

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

I’m following your convo and the people you are having a debate with are my friends. That said, being Awake means to allow people to find their way, make no demands and not judge. It is not for us to judge only Him. There are also levels of vibration and your continued judgment keeps you stuck in 3D, this Is not a judgment but a fact. To say to someone to Awaken is 3D soul frequency. Just an observation from a person who has reached 5D and above. Keep it real and just let other’s soul paths go, no other soul is our responsibility. Help those that want help. When we make information appealing it’s amazing the conversations we attract. Stay positive and Do You. Blessings.


We must judge - Jesus commanded us to. I commend John 7 and 1 Corinthians 2 to your reading.
"Reach 5D" makes no sense. Please consider how your sin has separated you from your Creator. You need Jesus.

So, I am an ordained minister and very spiritual. It sounds obvious you have no idea what you are talking about or even come close to being awake or knowing what is going on. You cannot even recognize when someone is speaking the same language. Sad.

Just b/c I say "5D makes no sense"?

not only that

Specifics would be appreciated. I don't think I said anything out of line or incorrect.

you actually did, and you were insulting. like i said you do not even recognize when someone is speaking your own language. are you actually reading what we write or just lashing out angrily thinking you are speaking in love? do you know what AWAKE means at all? So when you speak about that, you are actually embarassing yourself.

In what way was I insulting?

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