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RE: The Curmudgeon's Bible - What Are The "Governing Authorities" of Romans 13:1?

in #christianity7 years ago

"Original meaning" of the scriptures? Seriously?

Are you a student of the original languages? How much time and effort have you put into that?

As pointed out in my article, every one of those paraphrases is a Johnny-come-lately.

Here's a reasonable translation to consider:

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."
- Romans 13:1, KJV

The Greek does not say "governing authorities."

In my opinion, "translating" this verse as "governing authorities" in order to mislead the church is a corruption of the original meaning.

Please come back when you have some evidence to the contrary? A simple list of the latest fads in bible paraphrasing doesn't qualify.

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