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RE: Christian and Atheist discussion: Faith is a gift? Hell. Belief. Philosophy. Mythology. Truth.

in #christianity7 years ago

I'm a lot less sympathetic toward atheists. So is God:

(Romans 1:18-20 NIV) The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, {19} since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. {20} For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

I put atheists into these categories:

Some people have no interest in spiritual things.

Some atheists hate God because they don't like how he runs his universe. So by hating God they deny their atheism.

And you have atheists who love their sins way too much to ever believe. A wise person will determine whether or not God exists and act accordingly. A fool looks at what he'll have to give up if he decides that God exists and he acts accordingly.


A fool looks at what he'll have to give up [...] and he acts accordingly.

Is God a fool?

Consider this: according to the Bible, God saw that Adam and Eve had become 'wise'. He certainly didn't want people who are wise to share in his immortality so he drove them out of the garden. Obviously, God wasn't willing to give up his exclusive right to immortality, at least to humans who have learnt to think for themselves regardless of what he says.

A wise person will determine whether or not God exists and act accordingly.

Are you a wise person? If yes, have you tried to 'determine whether or not God exists'? Well, I know very little but I know a wise man will consider all of the arguments available to him. Do you know of any argument against the existence of God? Any? If yes, how did you decide it (or they) wasn't valid?

I await your response

God saw that Adam and Eve had become 'wise'. He certainly didn't want people who are wise to share in his immortality so he drove them out of the garden.

Yes, exactly what happens to anybody that asks too many awkward questions in church. Go play in the garden. Make yourself busy with menial labour while you're there. Don't think!

PS great questions :D

That's so cute. Thanks for joining in.

There are other categories too. Such as those that read more than one book and reach other conclusions about the likelihood this is all just a myth.

Thanks for your comment. A bit rude, upvoting yourself, but never mind.


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