The hardship in living for Jesus

in #christian6 years ago

( St. John 16 : 33 ; These things I spoken unto you. That in me you might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation : but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. ) Romans 8 : 35- 36 ; Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril , or sword? 36. As it is written , for thy sake we are killed all day long: we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. ) This is not an easy walk when we live for Christ Jesus . Whoever say this this is easy , search the scriptures. When we go through all of these trials and tribulations count it all joy, because we know that Jesus conquered it all. This is why we go through all of these battles to make us strong , and to show God we are willing to suffer for His sake. This is not a cake walk as some propose, God allows things to happen, and He hold back certain things from us to try our faith , and this is not easy it's very hard, it takes discipline and the love of God to fight for Him at any cost. Sometimes our prayers doesn't get answered when we think it should, It seem like the ones that doing the least they get blessed the most, it seem like it's unfair. It is to a certain extent , if we don't ever get anything here in the physical realm , or any of our needs met, we can look toward heaven as our home: and that your names our written in the book of life. Our God is faithful and just and this is all that counts.


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